
School Education

To ensure universalization of Primary, Elementary, Secondary and Higher Secondary Education and to ensure quality education for Human Resource Development.

Schedule of D.El.Ed. Part-II (Theoretical) Examination, 2016

D.El.Ed. Part-II Examination (Theoretical papers), 2016 (Old Syllabus) for the Session: 2013-2015 of Continuing Candidates will be held on and from 21st April 2017.

D.El.Ed. Part-II (Theoretical) Examination, 2016 (Old Syllabus)

The D. El. Ed. Part-II (Theoretical) Examination, 2016 for the session 2013-2015 (Old Syllabus) will be commenced on and from 21st April, 2017 and ended on 2nd May, 2017.

D.El.Ed. Part-I and Part-II Examination, 2016 (Revised Program)

Revised programme of D.El.Ed. Part – I (Theoretical papers) for the session 2015-2017 and D.El.Ed. Part – II (Theoretical papers) for the session 2014-2016 of WBBPE.

D. El. ED. Part-II External Practical Exam, 2016 (Revised)

Revised D. EL. ED. Part-II External Practical Examination, 2016 for the session 2014-2016 should be completed between 7th April, 2017 and 19th April, 2017.

D.El.Ed. Part-I and Part-II Examination, 2016

D.El.Ed. Part-I (Session: 2015-2017) and Part-II (Session: 2014-2016) Examination (Theoretical papers), will be held on and from 15th May, 2017 and 16th May, 2017 respectively.

D. El. ED. Part-II External Practical Examination, 2016

All the Heads of D. El. Ed. Institution are being informed that D. El. ED. Part-II External Practical Examination, 2016 for the session 2014-2016 will start on and from 17th April, 2017.

Distribution of Marksheet of D.El.Ed. Part-I Examination, 2015

Marksheets of D.El.Ed. Part-I Examination, 2015, session 2014-2016 will be available from office of the West Bengal Board of Primary Education on and from 21.02.2017 to 28.02.2017.

3rd RLST, 2016 for Recruitment of Non-Teaching Staff

3rd RLST, 2016 for recruitment of non-teaching staff (Group D & Clerk) in Schools to be conducted by WBCSSC which is scheduled to be held on 19.02.2017 and on 05.03.2017.

Appointment based on Writ Petition No. 24882(W) of 2016

Appointment already made on different dates will abide by the result of Writ Petition no. 24882(W) of 2016 pending before the Hon’ble High Court, Calcutta.

WBSSC (Selection for appointment to the Posts of Headmaster/ Headmistress in Secondary or Higher Secondary and Junior High Schools) Rules, 2016

These rules may be called the West Bengal School Service Commission (Selection for appointment to the Posts of Headmaster/ Headmistress in Secondary or Higher Secondary and Junior High Schools) Rules, 2016.

Distribution of Admit Card for Madhyamik Pariksha, 2017

Admit Cards of the candidates (Regular & External) appearing at the Madhyamik Pariksha (Secondary Examination), 2017 will be distributed on 10.02.2017 from 11 am to 5 pm.

WBSSC (Selection for Appointment to the Posts of Teachers for Classes XI and XII in Higher Secondary Schools) Rules, 2016

These rules may be called the West Bengal School Service Commission (Selection for Appointment to the Posts of Teachers for Classes XI and XII in Higher Secondary Schools) Rules, 2016.

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