BCW Department is introducing on-line receipt of application for centrally assisted scholarship schemes for SC/ST/OBC students from 2013-14 financial year.
Curriculum and syllabus of the Primary Teachers Training two-year course under the Elementary Teacher Education Programme (NCTE) leading to diploma in education of West Bengal Board of Primary Education.
Release all the teachers who have been deputed to undergo the Two year D. El. Ed. Course in the session 2011-2013 in the afternoon on 29.06.2013 so that they are able to join their respective schools in the morning on and from 01.07.2013.
System of e-payment in respect of examination fees/ registration fees /other charges payable to the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education (WBBSE) shall be introduced instantaneously. Arrangement may be made to remit the amount through NEFT/ RTGS.
Due to severe heat wave in Dakshin Dinajpur District, the students of all secondary schools are facing tremendous problem to participate in their academic programme during day time. So, all School including Madrasahs of this district will remain open in morning time till 29.6.2013.
Acquiring of higher academic qualification (up to HS or +2 level with at least 50 percent marks) is allowed through Open and Distance Learning (ODL) Mode only, without hampering normal duties as a para-teacher in the school.
Any Junior/ Junior High School intending to take membership of the Parshad Barta from the year 2013-14 may apply to the concerned Regional Office of W.B.B.S.E. with the attested copy of the latest order of recognition of the school and by depositing an annual fee of Rs. 150.00.
As per instruction of the Higher Authority this is to inform that the school/ madrasah which has not yet submitted the COSA Form and School Information Form mandatorily submit the same within 10.06.2013.
As per instruction of the Higher Authority this is to inform that the HM/ TIC of all schools/ madrasahs under the justification of the South 24-pgs mandatory generate an Email ID against his/ her school.
Many of the teachers are enjoying the Higher Scale of pay without taking approval of the undersigned, which is not in accordance to GA Rules. Stop this unauthorised Higher Scale of pay and intimate it to the undersigned immediately for further course of action.
Due to enforcement of the Model Code of Conduct from 27-05-2013, the entire process of Constitution/ Reconstitution of the Managing Committees shall remain suspended upto the date of declaration of result of Panchayet Election i.e. upto 13-07-2013.
To ensure Access, Enrolment, Quality Education and Retention of learner up to Elementary Level. To minimize the Dropout Rate of the learner and to facilitate enrolment to all the children of age group 6+ to 14+ in School.