Determination of Group of Employees upon ROPA, 2019
Finance, GISS , ROPA 👁️ 1025
Group – A: All employees having Entry Pay in the Pay-Level with a minimum Rs. 35,800/- and above with Level of Pay ranging from 12 and above. Group – B: Rs. 24,700/-and above with Level of Pay ranging from 7 to 11. Group – C: Rs. 18,800/-and above with Level of Pay ranging from 3 to 6. Group – D: Rs. 17,000/- and above with Level of Pay ranging in 1 and 2.
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch
No. 2160-F(J)WB, Dated: 06.10.2020
The undersigned is directed, to say that the West Bengal State Govt. Employees’ Group Insurance-cum-savings Scheme, 1987 was introduced vide F. D. Memo. No. 825-F dated 31.01.1987 and the employees were graded for this purpose as Group – A, B, C and D following their pay scales vide para 7.1 of the said scheme. Subsequently gradations were revised vide F. D. Memorandums No. 6168-F dated 03.07.1991, No. 8741-F dated 21.12.1998 and 185-F(J) Dated 07.01.2010 after implementation of WBS (ROPA) Rules, 1990, 1998 and 2009 respectively. Now after implementation of WBS(ROPA) Rules, 2019 another revision has become necessary.
Accordingly in supersession of F.D. Memo. No. 185-F(J) dated 07.01.2010 the Governor is pleased to decide that with effect from 01.11.2020 the State Govt. Employees shall be graded for the above purpose in the following manner
I. Group – A: all employees having Entry Pay in the Pay-Level with a minimum Rs. 35,800/-and above with Level of Pay ranging from 12 and above.
II. Group – B: all employees having Entry Pay in the Pay-Level with a minimum of Rs. 24,700/-and above with Level of Pay ranging from 7 to 11.
III. Group – C: all employees having Entry Pay in Pay-Level with a minimum of Rs. 18,800/-and above with Level of Pay ranging from 3 to 6.
IV. Group – D: all employees having Pay in the Pay-Level with a minimum of Rs. 17,000/- and above with Level of Pay ranging in 1 and 2.
The rate of subscription and amount of Insurance cover corresponding to each Group shall however remain unchanged.
Para 7.1 of F. D. Memo No. 825-F dated 31.01.1987 and para 4 of Accounting procedure circulated under F.D. Memo. No. 11099-F dated 08.10.1987 shall be treated as modified to that effect.
It should be noted that the holders of Pay Level No. 7 under WBS (ROPA) Rules, 2019, though, graded as Group-C in Rule 13 of the said rules, has been classified under Group-B for this purpose for maintaining continuity of groupwise categorization. Otherwise the gradation of employees as recast above is in identical terms of Rule 13 of WBS (ROPA) Rules, 2019.
By order of the Governor
Sd/- Deputy Secretary
to the Govt. of West Bengal
No. 2160-F dated 06.10.2020, Source
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