Governor is pleased to implement ONLINE functionality for discontinuation of Medical Allowance/ Relief from the Salary/Pension of the enrolled employee and pensioner with the following directives:
Government of West Bengal Finance Department Medical Cell, Writers’ Building
No. 111-F (MED) WB Dated- 24/09/2021
Sub: Introduction of online functionality for discontinuation of Medical Allowance/ Relief through WBHS Portal.
Employees and Pensioners of the Govt. of West Bengal enroll themselves under the WBHS giving up their regular monthly Medical Allowance /Relief from the Salary/Pension. Salary/Pension Disbursing Authority (Drawing & Disbursing Officer in case of Employees and Treasury Officer including Additional Treasury Officer or Branch Manager of CPSU in case of Pensioners) takes required steps to discontinue the drawal of Medical Allowance/ Relief after getting necessary communication in manual mode from Certificate Issuing Authority of WBHS.
Due to communicational gap between the Certificate Issuing Authority of WBHS and the Salary/Pension Disbursing Authority, it happens that many enrolled Employees and Pensioners get Medical Allowance/ Relief erroneously or inadvertently along with their Salary/Pension in violation of the relevant provision of this Scheme. In order to make prompt action to discontinue the drawal of Medical Allowance/ Relief from regular monthly Salary/Pension of enrolled Employees/ Pensioners concerned, system based functionality has recently been developed in WBHS Portal.
Now, after careful consideration of all aspects, the Governor is pleased to implement ONLINE functionality for discontinuation of Medical Allowance/ Relief from the Salary/Pension of the enrolled employee and pensioner with the following directives:
On approval of an application of enrolment under WBHS from an employee of Govt. of West Bengal by the Head of the Office or his/her authorized Sub-Ordinate Officer, an electronic communication will be reached to the credential of the linked Drawing and Disbursing Officer (DDO) in “Discontinuation of MA/MR” menu under WBHS Portal. After getting such communication, DDO shall stop Medical Allowance instantly from the date of effect of such enrolment in HRMS Module of WBIFMS. Then, s/he (DDO) is to take necessary action of the case using his/her credential through “Discontinuation of MA/MR” menu in WBHS Portal. In case of Medical Allowance is detected to be overdrawn before its discontinuance, DDO will recover it in single installment from regular monthly salary of the concerned employee after giving proper intimation to him.
On approval of an application of enrolment under WBHS from an employee of Govt. of West Bengal, rendering service in an office of the deputation post of any Administrative Department, by the Head of the Office or his/her authorized Sub-Ordinate Officer of Cadre Controlling Department, an electronic communication will be reached to the credential of DDO of Cadre Controlling Department in “Discontinuation of MA/MR” menu under WBHS Portal. After getting such communication, DDO shall send a communication stating to discontinue Medical Allowance from the date of effect of enrollment attaching a copy of approved enrollment certificate to Salary Disbursing Authority (SDA) of deputation post of the concerned employee. On the basis of this, SDA of deputation post shall forward a revert communication to DDO of Cadre Controlling Department confirming discontinuation of Medical Allowance. In case of Medical Allowance is detected to be overdrawn before its discontinuance, SDA will recover it in single installment from the regular monthly salary of concerned employee after giving proper intimation. On receiving confirmation regarding discontinuation of Medical Allowance from SDA of deputation post, DDO of Cadre Controlling Department is to take necessary action of the case using his/her credential through “Discontinuation of MA/MR” menu WBHSP.
When Pension Disbursing Authority is Treasury (District other than Kolkata), on approval of an application of enrolment under WBHS for a pensioner of Govt. of West Bengal by the Pension Sanction Authority (PSA) or his/her authorized Sub-Ordinate Officer, an electronic communication will be reached to the credential of Pension Disbursing Treasury (PDT) in “Discontinuation of MA/MR” menu under WBHS Portal. After getting such communication, Treasury Officer (TO)/Additional Treasury Officer (ATO) shall stop instantly Medical Relief from the date of effect of such enrolment in CTS Module of WBIFMS. Then, s/he (TO/ATO) is to take necessary action of the case using treasury credential through “Discontinuation of MA/MR” menu under WBHS Portal. In case of Medical Relief is detected to be overdrawn before its discontinuance, TO/ATO will recover it in single installment from the regular monthly pension of concerned pensioner after giving proper intimation.
When Pension Disbursing Authority is a branch of Central Public Sector Undertaking Bank (only for Kolkata district) which carries out the instructions/directives of Government of West Bengal, the Accountant General of West Bengal (AG, WB) and the Manager of The Lead Branch (MLB) of the respective CPSU Bank for disbursing pension of Govt. of West Bengal, on approval of an application of enrollment under WBHS from a pensioner of Govt. of West Bengal by the PSA or his/her, authorized Sub-Ordinate Officer, a ‘system generated electronic communication (from e-mail address: support, attaching a forwarding letter captioned with “Discontinuation of Medical Relief will be reached to the official E-Mail address (entered by pensioner at the time of online application) of disbursing branch of CPSU Bank from WBHS Portal. The same communication with signature and official seal of PSA with carbon copy to the AG, WB and the MLB of the respective CPSU Bank will also be reached physically to Branch Manager of disbursing branch of CPSU Bank. After getting such communication physically from office of the PSA, branch manager of disbursing CPSU Bank shall take necessary action of discontinuation of Medical Relief and disburse pension without Medical Relief. In case of Medical Relief is detected to be overdrawn before its discontinuance, Branch Manager of CPSU Bank will recover it in single installment from the regular monthly pension of concerned pensioner after giving proper intimation. After taking such action, Manager of disbursing branch of CPSU Bank shall send a revert communication to concerned PSA and other authorities whom s/he is supposed to communicate in the stated format:
Sl. No.
Name of Pensioner
Enrolment No. as per WBHS
Date of Discontinuation of Medical Relief
This has the approval of Principal Secretary, Finance Department, Govt. of West Bengal.
This order will come into effect from date of issuance and will remain valid until further order.
Sri Aloke Kumar Mukherjee, WBA&AS Joint Secretary, Finance Department Govt. of West Bengal