Disposal of mutation petitions where name of the vendor from whom the present petitioner purchased the land has already been recorded in the R-o-R(s), and it is in his possession, must be done within 45 days from the date of receipt of the petition.
Government of West Bengal
Land and Land Reforms Department
Land Policy Branch
Nabanna (6th Floor)
325, Sarat Chatterjee Road, P.O.- Shibpur, Howrah – 711 102
No. 325-LP/1A-12/13 Dated, 5th February, 2015
Sub.: Disposal of mutation & conversion for non-industrial land purposes.
1. Disposal of mutation:
i) In order to expedite the process and disposal of mutation petition, it is decided that disposal of mutation petitions where name of the vendor from whom the present petitioner purchased the land has already been recorded in the R-o-R(s), and it is in his possession, must be done within 45 days from the date of receipt of the petition.
ii) Usual references be made to the ULC/LA etc. and if no reply is received within 30 days, then it will be presumed that the authority/ department concerned has no objection in granting the mutation.
iii) If the condition given in sub-para (i) above is not fulfilled it should be disposed of as quickly as possible not exceeding 60 days.
2. Disposal of conversion:
i) The process and disposal of conversion petition, if it is otherwise found in order, be done within 60 days from the date of receipt of the petition.
ii) The following steps should be taken for timely disposal of the said cases:
a) If NOC from local body is not received within 30 days, it will be presumed that there is no objection of the said body similar to that of U.L.C clearance.
b) NOC from WBSEDCL/ G.M. D.I.C./ WBPCB/ NHAI/ PWD/ Fire & Emergency Service, is not mandatory.
c) An enquiry be done by the field level functionary and it be followed by a hearing of petitioner concerned.
d) The prevailing system of obtaining no objection from the adjacent plot-holders should immediately be discontinued. Instead adjacent plot holders may be called for hearing.
e) For individual non-commercial/ non-industrial conversion, no DPR should be asked for.
f) However, the order/ memorandum relating to conversion of water body will remain in force.
This order issues in supersession of all earlier orders/ memorandums in this regard with immediate effect.
O.S.D, & Ex-Officio. ACS & LRC
Government of West Bengal
Land & Land Reforms Department