
Constitution of District Road Safety Committee for Kolkata


Governor is pleased to constitute the District Road Safety Committee for Kolkata covering the areas falling within the jurisdiction of Kolkata Municipal Corporation (KMC).

Government of West Bengal
Transport Department
Paribahan Bhawan
12, R.N. Mukherjee Road, Kolkata – 700 001

No. 1953-WT/TR/P/3M(RS)-6/14(Pt-I) Date: 26.05.2015


WHEREAS, the State of West Bengal has notified constitution of District Road Safety Committee for each district of the State in terms of Section 215(3) of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 vide No. 1084-WT/TR/P/3M(RS)-6/14(Pt-I) dated 23.03.2015;

AND, WHEREAS, the State of West Bengal has already formulated and notified the West Bengal Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989;

AND, WHEREAS, the functions (objects and purposes), scope for creation of Sub-committees, etc. have been stipulated in Rules 356, 357 and 358 of the aforesaid Rules;

AND, WHEREAS, there have been massive increase in the vehicle population in Kolkata as well as in the number of driving licenses issued so far;

AND, WHEREAS, it is considered necessary and expedient to constitute District Road Safety Committee for dealing with all aspects of road safety within the jurisdiction of the Kolkata covering the areas falling within the jurisdiction of Kolkata Municipal Corporation (KMC);

AND, WHEREAS, the State Road Safety Council in its meeting dated 22.04.2015 has taken a decision to that effect and approved the composition of such a Committee;

NOW, THEREFORE, the Governor, in supersession of all previous Notifications/Orders in this regard, is pleased hereby to constitute the District Road Safety Committee for Kolkata covering the areas falling within the jurisdiction of Kolkata Municipal Corporation (KMC) in the following manner and with the composition mentioned below to deal with all matters pertaining to road safety in respect of Kolkata.


1)Commissioner of Police, KolkataChairman
2)Municipal Commissioner, KMCMember
3)Director, PVD, KolkataMember
4)An Engineer of the Public Works Department, GoWB to be selected by the Principal Secretary of the DepartmentMember
5)An officer of the Health & Family Welfare Department to be selected by the Principal Secretary of the DepartmentMember
6)An officer of the Information & Cultural Affairs Deptt. to be selected by the Principal Secretary of the DepartmentMember
7)D.I. of Schools (Secondary), KolkataMember
8)Joint C.P. Traffic, Kolkata PoliceMember Secretary

The terms of reference for the Committee in addition to those already detailed in the aforementioned Rules will be as follows:

Terms of reference

i. To implement the State Road Safety Policy;

ii. To conduct road safety programmes at regular intervals;

iii. To provide regular inputs to the State Road Safety Council and recommend road safety measures especially with regard to identification of major accident prone areas/ Black Spots etc.;

iv. To implement directions of the GOI and the State Government as may be issued from time to time on matters of road safety;

v. To act as the nodal body for placing requirement and disbursal of road safety funds and interact with the State Road Safety Council as and when required;

vi. To take such other steps as may be necessary for ensuring road safety within the jurisdiction of the district.

The Governor is also pleased to direct that the Chairman of the Committee shall have the powers to co-opt any person/official/ expert/chief of any entity who he/she considers eminently suitable to contribute to the functioning of the Committee.

This comes into force with immediate effect.

By order of the Governor

Chief Secretary, West Bengal

No. 1953-WT dated 26.05.2015

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