
Draft Cadre Schedule of Schedule ‘B’ Stenographers


Draft Cadre Schedule distributing all the posts of Schedule ‘B’ Stenographers to all the Department/ Directorates/ Regional Offices under the Government of West Bengal, has been prepared.

Government of West Bengal
Finance (Audit) Department
Mandirtala, Howrah – 711102

No. 7541-F(H) Date: 16.10.2015


The proposal for functionalisation of movement of Schedule ‘B’ Stenographers to the higher scales in the ratio of 4:3:3 is under the active consideration of the Government. If the said movement is made functional, the services of Schedule ‘B’ Stenographers will be transferable. So, it becomes necessary to include all the posts of Schedule ‘B’ Stenographers under the control of Finance Department. For this reason, a Draft Cadre Schedule distributing all the posts of Schedule ‘B’ Stenographers to all the Department/ Directorates/ Regional Offices under the Government of West Bengal, has been prepared which is required to be authenticated.

The undersigned is, therefore, directed to request all the Department/ Directorates/ Regional Offices throughout the West Bengal to let this Department know whether there are any discrepancies in the enclosed Draft Cadre Schedule of the Schedule ‘B’ Stenographers within 15 working days from the date of issue of this Memorandum with authenticate papers.

Sd/- S.K. Ram
Joint Secretary to the
Govt. of West Bengal

No. 7541-F dated 16.10.2015, Source

Draft Cadre Schedule of Schedule ‘B’ Stenographers

SL No.Name of the OfficeSanctioned Strength of StenographersDistribution of the posts of the Stenographers
Senior P.A.Grade-IGrade-IIBasic Grade
1Directorate of Forest4227726
2Directorate of Fisheries6105
3Office of the Additional Commissioner, Commercial Taxes, Siliguri under Dte. of Commissioner, Commercial Taxes2011
4Water Resources Development Directorate16448
5Agriculture Directorate612131234
6Directorate of Health Services872232141
7Directorate of Industries8224
8Directorate of Industrial Training13337
9Sunderban Development Board4112
10State Water Investigation Directorate under W.R.I & D Department5113
11Directorate of Animal Resources & Animal Health under A.R.D. Department37281017
12W.B. Commercial Taxes Appellate and Revisional Board6222
13Directorate of Public Instruction under Education Directorate38101018
14Directorate of Factories7223
15Directorate of Technical Education and Training3111
16Directorate of Land Records & Surveys2224610
17Land & Land Reforms Department5122
18Directorate of E.S.L, under Labour Department4112
19SDO & Deputy Controller of Civil Defence, Siliguri under Dte. Of Civil Defence1010
20Directorate of Industrial Tribunals121236
21Directorate of Food Processing Industries1010
22Office of the Labour Commissioner13337
23Office of the Director, Bureau of Applied Economics & Statistics4112
24Office of the West Bengal Commission for Women under Social Welfare Department4112
25Directorate of Textiles (Sericulture)5113
26Directorate of Horticulture2110
27Information & Cultural Affairs Department181458
28Directorate of Commercial Taxes161348
29Excise Directorate111235
30State Vigilance Commission8332
31Directorate of Micro Small & Medium Enterprise77222036
32Directorate of Public Health Engineering181674
33Office of the Refugee, Relief & Rehabilitation Commissioner4112
34Directorate of Irrigation & Waterways512182011
35Office of the Registrar of Co-operation9333
36Directorate of Accounts under School Education Department1010
37Public Works Directorate [excluding P.W (Roads) Dte.]622232512
38Environment Department3111
39P & AR Department (Establishment Cell)13337
40P & AR Department (A.T.l.)4112
41State Institute of Panchayats & Rural Development, Kalyani under P & RD Department1010
42Directorate of Technical Education12444
43Directorate of Madrasah Education1010
44Directorate of Pension, Provident Fund & Group Insurance under Finance Department1010
45Directorate of Treasuries & Accounts under Finance Department1010
46Project Officer-cum-District Welfare Officer under the Commissioner of BCW Dte.1010
47Office of the Commissioner, Burdwan Division2110
48Office of the Commissioner, Jalpaiguri Division1010
49Office of the Commissioner, Presidency Division1010
50Office of the Director of Land Records & Surveys (Ex-Officio), W.B., Indo-Bangladesh Boundary Demarcation1010
51Directorate of Workman’s Compensation3111
52Office of the Commissioner, Agricultural Income Tax under Finance Department6114
53Food & Supplies Department2110
54Directorate of Social Welfare3111
55Directorate of State Archives under Higher Education Department1010
56Office of the Special Engineer, Salt Lake Reclamation & Development Circle under Urban Dev. Department4112
57DG & IGP, Intelligence Branch2110
58Directorate of Security2110
59West Bengal Police Recruitment Board2110
60Office of the D.G. & I.G.P., Telecommunication2110
61Office of IGF (AP), Kolkata1010
62IGP, Western Zone, Durgapur1010
63DIG (AP), SLG1100
64State Crime Records Bureau3111
65DIG, Training-cum-Principal, Swami Vivekananda State Police Academy, Barrackpore1100
66Office of the DIG, Burdwan Range1100
67Office of the DIG, Armed Police, Durgapur1100
68DIG (AP) Cell, Barrackpore2110
69DIG, Midnapur Range, Kharagpur1100
70Office of the DIG, Presidency Range, Bhabani Bhavan1100
71DIG, Jalpaiguri Range, JPG1100
72DIG, Murshidabad Range, Kalyani1100
73Office of the Commissioner of Police, Howrah2110
74Office of the Commissioner of Police, Bidhannagar, Kolkata81124
75Office of the Commissioner of Police, Siliguri81124
76Office of the Commissioner of Police, Barrackpore81124
77Office of the Commissioner of Police, Asansol-Durgapur61122
78S.P., Malda2110
79S.P., Uttar Dinajpur2110
80S.P., 24-pgs(S)4112
81S.P., Dakshin Dinajpur2110
82S.P., Darjeeling4112
83S.P., Birbhum2110
84S.P., Hooghly2110
85S.P., Jhargram1100
86S.P., 24-pgs(N), Barasat2110
87S.P., Bankura2110
88S.P., Purba Medinipur3111
89S.P., Paschim Medinipur311
90S.P., Purulia2110
91S.P., Jalpaiguri2110
92S.P., Alipurduar2110
93S.P., Nadia2110
94S.P., GRP, Howrah1001
95S.P., Howrah51121
96S.P., Burdwan2110
97Commandant, SAP, 1st Bn., Barrackpore1010
98Commandant, SAP, 2nd Bn., Barrackpore1010
99Commandant, SAP, 3rd Bn., Barrackpore1010
100Commandant, SAP, 4th Bn., Kasba, Raigunj1010
101Commandant, SAP, 7th Bn., Kalyanpur, Asansol1010
102Commandant, SAP, 8th Bn., Barrackpore1010
103Commandant, SAP, 9th Bn., Sandhya, Krishnanagar, Nadia1010
104Commandant, SAP, 10th Bn., Dabgram, Jalpaiguri1010
105Commandant, SAP, 11th Bn., Chharrah, Purulia1010
106Commandant, SAP, 12th Bn., Dabgram, Jalpaiguri1010
107Commandant, SAP, 13rd Bn., Barjora, Bankura1010
108Commandant, EFR, 3rd Bn., Salua, Paschim Medinipur1010
109Commandant, 1st India Reserve Bn., Durgapur1010
110Commandant, 2nd India Reserve Bn., Siliguri1010
111Commandant, SSF Bn., Barrackpore1010
112S.P.(Admn.), Counter Insurgency Force4112
113C.I.D., W.B.81322
114WBPD, Bhabani Bhavan91233
115Directorate of Kolkata Police2919414
116Public Works (Roads) Directorate231787
117Directorate of Drugs Control1100
118Directorate of Ayurveda1100
119Directorate of Homeopathy1100
120Directorate of Dairy Development under Dte. Of ARD7223
121Office of the Commissioner of Commercial Taxes, Kolkata161348
122Office of the District Magistrate & Collector, Hooghly4112
123Office of the Collector, South 24-Parganas4112
124Office of the District Magistrate & Collector, Jalpaiguri3111
125Office of the District Magistrate & Collector, Howrah3210
126Office of the District Magistrate, Cooch Behar2110
127Office of the District Magistrate, North 24-Parganas41111
128Office of the District Magistrate & Collector, Birbhum3111
129Office of the District Magistrate & Collector, Dakshin Dinajpur2110
130Office of the District Magistrate, Purulia2110
131Office of the District Magistrate & Collector, Purba Medinipur41111
132Office of the District Magistrate & Collector, Burdwan51112
133Office of the District Magistrate & Collector, Murshidabad3111
134Office of the District Magistrate, Darjeeling41111
135Office of the District Magistrate, Alipurduar1100
136Office of the District Magistrate, Uttar Dinajpur1010
137Office of the District Magistrate, Malda2110
138Office of the District Magistrate, Paschim Medinipur41111
139Office of the District Magistrate, Bankura1100
140Office of the District Magistrate, Nadia3111
141Commerce & Industries Department1010
142Planning Department8233
143Cultural Research Institute under BCW Department4112
144Minorities Development and Welfare Directorate under MA & ME Department1100
145Directorate of Consumer Affairs & Fair Business Practices under Consumer Affairs Department1001
146Office of the President, District Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum(DCDRF), Paschim Medinipur1001
147Office of the President, DCDRF, Nadia1001
148Directorate of Agriculture Marketing7223
149Directorate of State Lotteries1010
150Municipal Engineering Directorate3012
151Directorate of Local Bodies under Municipal Affairs Deptt.3012
152State Transport Appellate Authority1001
153Directorate of Correctional Services2011
154Controller of Civil Defence, Kolkata under Directorate of Civil Defence1100
155W.B.G. Press under C & I Department1001
156Principal, Sanskrit College, Kolkata1100
157Principal, Moulana Azad College, Kolkata1100
158Director of Brick Production under Housing Department1001
159Estate Manager, Murshidabad under Judicial Department1001
160Official receiver. High Court under Judicial Department1001
161Principal, Social Workers’ Training Institute under BCW Department1100
162Office of the Directorate of Boilers5212
163Office of the Directorate of Employment6231
164Family Court3111
165Urban Development Department5212
166Administrator, Bidhannagar under Urban Development Department4112
167Office of the President, DCDRF, 24-Parganas(South)1001
168Office of the President, DCDRF, Birbhum1001
169Office of the President, DCDRF, Howrah1001
170Office of the President, DCDRF, 24-Parganas(North)1001
171Office of the Co-Operation Tribunal1001
172Consumer Affairs Department8224
173Office of the State Editor, W.B.Dist. Gazetters under Education Department4112
174Directorate of Rationing under F & S Department8323
175State Drug Control & Research Lab. Under H & FW Department1100
176Admn., Kangsabati CADA(Common Area Development Authority) under W.l.D.D.1010
177Admn., Mayurakshi CADA, Under W.l.D.D.2101
178Admn., DVC CADA, Under W.l.D.D.2101
179Office of the President, DCDRF,Siliguri1001
180Office of the President, DCDRF, Dakshin Dmajpur1001
181Office of the President, DCDRF, Jalpaiguri1001
182Office of the President, DCDRF, Malda1001
183Office of the President, DCDRF, Murshidabad1001
184Office of the President, DCDRF, Burdwan1001
185Office of the President, DCDRF, Hooghly1001
186Office of the President, DCDRF, Purba Medinipur1001
187Office of the Administrator General & Official Trustee under Judicial Department2011
188Directorate of Consumer Goods1001
189Office of the President, DCDRF, Purulia1001
190Office of the President, DCDRF, Bankura1001
191Office of the President, DCDRF, Uttar Dinajpur1001
192Office of the President, DCDRF, Alipurduar1001
193Office of the President, DCDRF, Darjeeling1001
194Office of the President, DCDRF, Cooch Behar1001
195Directorate of Legal Metrology1100
196Education N.C.C. Branch5122
197Directorate, State Forensic Science Laboratory2110
198Industrial Reconstruction Department3111
199Office of the Bengali Translator2110
200Hill Affairs Branch under Development & Planning Department3111
201Directorate of Mines & Minerals under C & I Department2110
202Office of the Chief Engineer, Housing Directorate1100
203Superintendent Engineer, Circle I, Housing Directorate1010
204Superintendent Engineer, Circle II, Housing Directorate1010
205Estate Manager, Estate Directorate under Housing Directorate1001
206Directorate of Cinchona & Other Medicinal Plant under C & 1 Department2011
207B.C.W. Department1010
208Directorate of land Records & Surveys Indo-Bangladesh Boundary Demarcation1010
209Office of the Registrar General of Birth, Death & Marriage1010
210Shibpur Polytechnic1010
211Directorate of Disaster Management1010
212Legal Remembrancer under Judicial Department3021
213Science & Technology Department2011

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