
Duties, Remuneration and Leave of Para Teacher in West Bengal

School Education, , , 👁ī¸ 5362

Para teachers will perform three major duties – (a) Remedial teaching (b) Child tracking (c) Teaching Learning Material (TLM) preparation for activity based learning in School.

Government of West Bengal
School Education Department
Primary Branch
Bikash Bhavan, Salt Lake,
Kolkata – 700 091

No. 134-SE(Pry)/55/Ped/PBSSM, dated 26/02/2009


Para teachers have been engaged under SSA from time to time in the State of West Bengal. To enhance their effectiveness following guidelines are being issued. This will be in supersession of all orders issued earlier in this regard:

1. Description of duties for Para teachers:

Para teachers will perform three major duties – (a) Remedial teaching (b) Child tracking (c) Teaching Learning Material (TLM) preparation for activity based learning in School.

During School hours, Para teachers will addresses first generation students who are in need of remedial teaching. They will ensure that the students are able to suitably comprehend and follow the lessons so that they would be able to compete with other students in the formal classes. The ability of Para teachers will be judged by the whether the marginalized students have been able to be mainstreamed with the fellow students according to formal class room standard.

The role of Para teacher is particularly important in the Schools in backward village where the teaching learning process suffers from various deficiencies. Besides they will be involved in introducing activity-based for strengthening fundamental concept particularly in the area of language and Mathematics.

Students with learning disadvantages need additional inputs to reach the standards of students of a formal class room. This will be the main activity and purpose of the engagement of Para teachers.

Under no circumstances the Para teacher be permitted to function in lieu of regular teachers. Action will be taken against Schools violating this norm as per the extant rules of the department.

2. No. of days a Para teachers is supposed to attend the School in a week:

A Para teacher will be in School for 4 (four) days in a week and will utilize remaining 2 (two) days to monitor dropout students and ensure community support for enrollment of children in Schools.

3. Renewal of the Contract of a Para teacher (Methodology):

Para teachers are presently renewed by the Village Education Committee/ Ward Education Committee. Since these Committees are very large bodies, the respective School Level Monitoring Committee (SLMC) as defined under Notification No. 841-SE(Pry)/2D-1/2007 dated 07/08/08 & No. 840-SE(Pry)/2D-1/2007 dated 07/08/08 shall renew the contract of the Para teachers.

Before the contract of a Para teacher is renewed there will be an assessment on the basis of their performance in remedial teaching, child taking and in developing TLM. SIs will do this assessment through a process of objective indicators.

There will be a break of 1 (one) day before renewal of.

4. Remuneration of Para Teacher:

Para teachers (Primary & Upper Primary) will get remuneration with enhanced rate from 1st April, 2009 as per the norm given below:

CategoryExisting remuneration head per monthEnhanced remuneration per head per month on & from 1st April, 2009
Para Teacher (Primary)Rs. 2000/- p.m.Rs. 4000/- p.m.
Para Teacher (Upper Primary)Rs. 3500/- p.m.Rs. 5500/- p.m.

5. Leave Rules:

Leave for the engaged Para teachers attached to primary & upper primary schools under SSA shall be as under:

Maternity Leave:

135 (One hundred thirty five) days maternity leave may be enjoyed by the lady Para teacher. Such leave may start two months before the date of delivery of the child and may continue after the date of delivery.

Further this leave period two is not mandatory. According to the convenience of the incumbent maternity leave may be availed. Such maternity leave shall be sanctioned by the School Level Monitoring Committee (SLMC) and Managing Committee for primary and upper primary respectively on production of medical certificate from a registered medical practitioner.

Casual Leave & Medical Leave:

All Para teachers may enjoy 12 days casual leave for urgent necessity and 7 days leave on medical ground.

If the span of Service of the incumbent is less than one year such leave shall be proportioned accordingly and it will be sanctioned by the Head of the Institutions.

The medical leave shall not be accumulated for the next year. It will lapse as soon as the contract is over.

6. Training allowance & certificates:

The training allowance will be paid as defined under SSA norms. A certificate also may be given to the participants after they appear at a test examination at the end of the training. DIET will be involved in the whole process of such examination at the end of the training.

This guideline has been issued with the approval of the Executive Committee, Paschim Banga Sarva Siksha Mission.

Joint Secretary
School Education Department,
Govt. of West Bengal

No. 134-SE dated 26.02.2009

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