Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch
No. 4102-F(Y) Date: 03.08.2016
Sub: Introduction of “e-Services for Employees” (ESE) for State Government Employees in HRMS on IFMS Portal
“e-Services for Employees” has been introduced as an employee oriented functionality in HRMS module of IFMS.
“e-Services for Employees” provides as of now following services/ information/ documents the employee to-
- Update/ change any employees’ personal information online as and when required
- Monthly Pay Slips
Following facilities will be added within 1-2 months –
- Consolidated Salary Statement
- Statement of Advances/ Loan taken by Government employee like GPF, Computer Advance along with the recovery details of advance etc.
- Income Tax Deductions Details
- GPF Contributions
- Increment Order
In long term this facility will provide following –
- Leave Statements
- Transfer/ Posting Orders
- Loan Sanction Order Copy
- Pay Fixation Order
- Online Applications for leave/ Loans & Advances/ ACR etc.
- eService Book
To avail the facility the Employee has to first “Sign Up” for “e-Services for Employees” using “Employee ID” in IFMS Portal []. Employee ID is generated by HRMS and is printed on the Pay Slip of the Employees. The pre-requisite for accessing ESE is availability of a valid mobile no. of the concerned employee in IFMS Portal as OTP/ Passwords would be shared through the registered mobile no. of employee. The employee may verify their mobile nos. from DDOs, if they are not receiving SMS alerts regarding their salary etc. from “WBIFMS” Sender ID. Since any incorrect mobile no. can result in compromising the secrecy of the employee login ID and password causing inconvenience to the employee, the DDO shall cautiously enter the mobile nos. provided by each employee, in employee master of HRMS in general information page. The DDO shall use the System Generated Format for collecting the employees’ mobile no. by going into the report section available in the DDO login, if not already collected.
Guidelines for the steps to be taken by the DDO for inserting the correct I valid mobile no. as well as steps for registration of employee in ESE is available in the “Guidelines” section of
The DDOs are requested to take special initiative so that the ESE can be completed within Aug 2016 for all State Government employees for all DDOs offices drawing salary through HRMS.
Sd/- H.K. Dwivedi
Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal
No. 4102-F dated 03.08.2016, Source
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