Panchayats and Rural Development, Allowance , Salary đī¸ 1842
Village Level Entrepreneurs (VLE) engaged for the purpose of making data entry who are paid on pro-rata basis, the Department makes an ad-hoc increase of 30% in respect of data entry charge in respect of all existing data entry interfaces.
Government of West Bengal
Department of Panchayats & Rural Development
Jessop Building (1st Floor)
63, Netaji Subhas Road
Kolkata-700 001
Memo. No. 1940(19)/RD/O/MGNREGA/18M-03/2012, Dated: 22.03.2013
From: Principal Secretary to the Government of West Bengal, P & R D Department.
To: The District Magistrate & District Programme Coordinator (All Districts)
The Principal Secretary, GTA & District Magistrate, Darjeeling.
Subject: Enhancement in monthly contractual emoluments of different categories of contractual employees under MGNREGA
Madam/ Sir,
Revision in the contractual remuneration of the contractual employees under MGNREGA working at different levels in the State was under active consideration of the State Government After several rounds of discussions and carefully examining all the aspects of the issues connected therein, the monthly contractual emoluments of different categories of contractual employees under MGNREGA has been enhanced in the following manner as shown in the table annexed with this order This order takes effect from 1 April 2013. This has Finance Department’s [Group. P 2] concurrence vide U.O. No. 657 dated 22.03.2013.
In respect of the Village Level Entrepreneurs (VLE) engaged for the purpose of making data entry who are paid on pro-rata basis, the Department makes an ad-hoc increase of 30% in respect of data entry charge in respect of all existing data entry interfaces. For every data entry different rates are already specified for payment to the VLEs.
The order may please be communicated to all concerned immediately. As already indicated, the enhancement will take effect from 1 April 2013.
Sd/- Principal Secretary
Monthly emoluments enhanced by the Department after obtaining concurrence of the Finance Department
State level
Name of Post | Number of posts sanctioned | Existing monthly contractual remuneration (in Rs.) | Enhanced monthly emoluments with effect from 01 04 2013 (in Rs.) |
State MIS Consultant | 1 | 22000 | 25000 |
State Coordinator. Social Audit | 1 | 21800 | 24000 |
State Coordinator, IEC & Grievance Redressal | 1 | 21800 | 24000 |
Database Manager | 1 | 21800 | 25000 |
District level
Name of Post | Number of posts sanctioned | Existing monthly contractual remuneration (in Rs.) | Enhanced monthly emoluments with effect from 01 04 2013 (in Rs.) |
Assistant Engineer | 42 | 27800 | 27800 |
Programme Manager. MIS | 19 | 17000 | 21000 |
Technical Assistant | 42 | 14000 | 18000 |
Programme Coordinator, Training & IEC | 19 | 17000 | 18000 |
Coordinator. Social Audit & Grievances | 19 | 17000 | 18000 |
Programme Manager. Accounts | 19 | 17000 | 18000 |
Technical Officer. Horticulture & Forestry | 19 | 14000 | 16000 |
Assistant Programme Manager. MIS | 19 | 14000 | 17000 |
Programme Assistant | 19 | 9000 | 11000 |
Block level
Name of Post | Number of posts sanctioned | Existing monthly contractual remuneration (in Rs.) | Enhanced monthly emoluments with effect from 01 04 2013 (in Rs.) |
Computer Assistant | 341 | 9000 | 11000 |
Technical Assistant | 682 | 14000 | 18000 |
Junior Programme Officer | 341 | 14000 | 16000 |
Block Social Audit Coordinator | 341 | 14000 | 16000 |
Programme Assistant | 341 | 9000 | 11000 |
Gram Panchayat level
Name of Post | Number of posts sanctioned | Existing monthly contractual remuneration (in Rs.) | Enhanced monthly emoluments with effect from 01 04 2013 (in Rs.) |
Gram Rozgar Sewak (GRS) -Trained/ Untrained | 3349 | 4500/ 5000 | 7000/ 7500* |
On first engagement a GRS will get Rs. 7000/- per month. On completion of training within one year their contractual remuneration will -be enhanced to Rs. 7500/- per month.
Sd/- Commissioner, MGNREGA