
Enhancement of Retirement Age of Teachers to 62 years

Finance, 👁️ 2737

Retirement age enhanced from 60 years to 62 years in respect of all full-time regular Teachers, Principals, Librarians and Physical Instructors of Government Colleges.

Finance [Audit] Department, 10th floor
Mandirtala, Howrah-711102

No. 561-F(P) Dated, Howrah the 31.01.2017


Consequent upon enhancement of retirement age from sixty years to sixty two years in respect of all full-time regular Teachers, Principals including Librarians and Graduate Laboratory Instructors of all state-aided Universities and Government-aided Colleges, holding substantive posts and enjoying Government approved notified scale of pay, the question of raising retirement age of the full time regular Teachers, Principals, Librarians and Physical Instructors of Government Colleges [General Degree Colleges and Engineering Degree Colleges] in a similar manner has been under consideration of the State Government for some time.

Now, considering all aspects of the matter, the Governor is hereby pleased to direct that notwithstanding anything contained in rule 75 of the West Bengal Service Rules, Part-I and the West Bengal Services (Death-cum-Retirement Benefit) Rules 1971, the retirement age of all full-time regular Teachers, Principals, Librarians and Physical Instructors of Government Colleges (General Degree Colleges and Engineering Degree Colleges] enjoying teaching status and equivalent scale of pay, holding substantive posts and in service on 1st January, 2017 shall be enhanced from sixty years to sixty two years, with immediate effect.

The Governor, in this regard is also pleased to direct that all other rules/ orders/ notifications regulating service terms and conditions of such Teachers, Principals, Librarians and Physical Instructors including the rules regarding Death cum Retirement Benefits and the rules regarding Voluntary retirement shall remain unaltered, except to the above extent.

Necessary amendments in the West Bengal Service Rules, Part-I shall be made in due course.

By Order of the Governor

Sd/- H.K. Dwivedi
Principal Secretary
Finance Department

No. 561-F dated 31.01.2017, Source

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