
Enhancement of Salary of Primary School Teachers

School Education, , 👁️ 532

Enhancement of the corresponding Band Pay as par ROPA, 2009 in case of trained primary teachers is Rs. 7440/- (initial Band Pay) in the Pay Band-3 and in case of untrained primary teachers is Rs. 6700/- (initial Band Pay) in the Pay Band-2.

Government of West Bengal
School Education Department
Elementary Education Branch
Bikash Bhawan, Salt Lake, Kolkata – 700 091.

No:- 693-SE/P/10M-06/09 (Pt.-I)TET Date: 13.09.2019

From: Joint Secretary
to the Govt. of West Bengal.

To The Chairman, DPSC/ DI/S(PE),
All Districts ……………

The queries received from different districts in connection with the order no. 510-SE/P/10M-06/09 (Pt.-I) TET dated 26.07.2019 have been replied and annexed hereunder.

The undersigned is directed to instruct to implement the aforesaid order, so that enhanced salary of primary school teachers is positively disbursed in the month of September, 2019.

Enclo – As stated

Sd/- Joint Secretary
to the Govt. of West Bengal

Queries regarding Enhancement of salary of trained Primary Teacher (Order No. 510-SE/P/10M-06/09 (Pt-I) TET DATED 26.07.2019)

Query No.Answers
1. Change in Grade Pay from Rs. 2600/- to 3600/- or Rs. 2300/- to 2900/- may require enhancement of corresponding Band Pay to its minimum as per ROPA 2009. But there is no clarification in the G.O. mentioned above.Enhancement of the corresponding Band Pay as par ROPA, 2009 in case of trained primary teachers is Rs. 7440/- (initial Band Pay) in the Pay Band-3 and in case of untrained primary teachers is Rs. 6700/- (initial Band Pay) in the Pay Band-2.
2. There may be a situation where Basic Pay of old teachers may less than that of new teachers after pay fixation as per the order. So, proper guidelines on Pay Protection are required.Individual cases may be considered as per rule vide memo no. 960-F dt. 27.01.1994 of Finance (Audit Branch) Department.
3. There are some teachers whose existing Grade Pay is Rs. 2100 and there nothing is mentioned about enhancement of pay in the said G.O.The question is irrelevant as there is no mention in the order no. 510-SE/P/10M-06/09 (Pt-I) TET dated 26.07.2019 regarding enhancement of Grade Pay of such teachers having Grade Pay Rs. 2100/-.
4. Some teachers had Grade Pay Rs. 2300/- at the time of joining and after successful completion of 18 years of services their Grade Pay hiked to Rs. 2600/- and thereafter when they became trained they haven’t got any further addition in Grade Pay. At this position if we change their Grade Pay from Rs. 2600 /- to 3600 /-, there may be a possibility of lapse of 18 years’ benefit.They will enjoy the enhancement of Grade Pay i.e. Rs. 3600/-.
5. Non Trained Primary Teachers having Grade pay 2300/-, Revised Grade Pay 2900/-, whether G.P. will be enhanced or not.In case of untrained primary teachers the Grade Pay has already been enhanced from Rs. 2300/- to Rs. 2900/- and their initial Band Pay will remain Rs. 6700/- in the Pay Band-2.
6. Trained Primary Teachers/ Non-Trained Primary Teachers completing 18 Years of Service, having Grade pay 2600/-, Revised Grade Pay 3600/-, whether G.P. will be enhanced or not.Same as the answer to the query no. 4.
7. Primary Head Teachers not completing 18 years of service, having Grade Pay Rs. (2600/- + 200) whether G.P. will be enhanced to Rs. (3600/- + 200/-) or not.If those primary teachers are trained they will enjoy enhanced Grade Pay i.e. Rs. 3600/- and special allowance of Rs. 200/- as usual.
8. Primary Teachers completing 18 years of service having Grade Pay Rs. (2600/-+ 300/-), whether G.P. will be enhanced to Rs. (3600/- + 300/-) or not.The query is irrelevant at present
9. Primary Head Teachers completing 18 years of service having Rs. (2600/- + Rs. 300/- + 200/-) i.e. Rs. 3100/-, whether G.P. will be enhanced to Rs. (3600/- + 300/- + 200/-) i.e. Rs. 4100/- or not.The query is irrelevant at present
10. Primary Teachers having less than 50% in H.S. examination but Graduated from a recognized University and are presently withdrawing “A” category scale of pay with G.P. Rs. 2600/- or Rs. 2900/-, are eligible or not for enhancement of Grade Pay.The query does not come under the purview of the enhancement of Grade Pay.
11. Will 18 Years’ benefit be applicable in the following manner:-

Existing Grade Pay 2300/-+300/- = 2600/-, New Grade Pay 2900/-+300/-=3200/-.

The CAS benefit does not come under the purview of said enhancement of Grade Pay.
12. Is Trained Teachers’ Band Pay be applicable in the following manner:

Existing Band Pay 6240/-, New Band Pay 7440/- Existing Band Pay 9320/-, New Band Pay 9320/- (No change in Band Pay)

Yes, may be in that manner
13. Is Un-trained Teachers’ Band Pay be applicable in the following manner:

Existing Band Pay 5860/-, New Band Pay 6700/-. Existing Band Pay 7840/-, New Band Pay 7840/- (No change in Band Pay).

Yes, may be in that manner.

No. 693-SE dated 13.09.2019, Source

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