
Exemption of Earnest Money and Security Deposit for SSI units

Finance, , 👁️ 945

Exemption from payment of Earnest Money and Security Deposit given to Small Scale Industrial (SSI) units under rules 47A(1) and 47B(7) of West Bengal Financial Rules, Volume-I is applicable to supply contracts only and not to works contracts.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch

No. 4245-F(Y), Dated: 28.05.2013.


Subject: Clarification regarding exemption from payment of Earnest Money and Security Deposit given to SSI units participating in Government tenders.

The undersigned is directed to state in clarification of this Department’s Notification No. 10500-F, dated 19/11/04 that exemption from payment of Earnest Money and Security Deposit given to Small Scale Industrial (SSI) units under rules 47A(1) and 47B(7) of West Bengal Financial Rules, Volume-I is applicable to supply contracts only and not to works contracts.

Such units participating in works tender will have to deposit Earnest Money end if selected, Performance Security/ Security Deposit as usual.

Sd/- H.K.Dwivedi
Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department

No. 4245-F dated 28.05.2013

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