Information and Cultural Affairs, ROPA
The officer holding the post of Sub Divisional Information & Cultural Officer may exercise option to come under ROPA, 2009 on the basis of such notional pay in relaxation of note 4 below Rule-6 of WBS (ROPA) Rules ’09.
Government of West Bengal
Department of Information & Cultural Affairs
Writers’ Buildings, Kolkata – 700 001
No. 1052-ICA, Dated: 20.04.2009.
The Scale of pay of Sub Divisional Information & Cultural Officer was revised from Scale no. 12 i.e. Rs. 1500 – 3410/- to scale No. 14 i.e. Rs. 5500-11325/- with effect from 1.1.96 notionally with actual benefit from 1.1.2007 vide this Department’s Order No. 546-ICA dt. 27.2.09 read with order No. 982-ICA dated 7.4.09.
Consequent upon the revision of the scale of pay of the Sub Divisional Information & Cultural Officer notionally with effect from 1.1.1996, the Governor is further pleased to order that the officer holding the post of Sub Divisional Information & Cultural Officer may exercise option to come under ROPA, 2009 on the basis of such notional pay in relaxation of note 4 below Rule-6 of WBS (ROPA) Rules ’09.
3. This order is issued with the concurrence of the Finance Department vide their U.O. No. 974/ Group-P(Pay) dated 9.4.09.
By order of the Governor
Sd/- Sk. N. Haque
Principal Secretary to the
Govt. of West Bengal