Final 50% Arrear Payment to State Govt. Employees
Remaining 50% of the third instalment of arrear already calculated as per item no. 6 of Memo No. 2728-F, dated 07.04.2009 will be paid to the State Govt employees in September, 2012.
Remaining 50% of the third instalment of arrear already calculated as per item no. 6 of Memo No. 2728-F, dated 07.04.2009 will be paid to the State Govt employees in September, 2012.
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch
No. 7044-F(P), Dated: 16.08.2012
In terms of rule 12 of the W.B.S. (ROPA) Rules, 2009 the arrears of pay to which a State Government employee is entitled to during the period from the 1st April, 2008 to 31st March, 2009 shall be paid in cash in three consecutive equal yearly instalments beginning from the year 2009-2010.
2. Accordingly in terms of Memo Nos. 3950-F dt. 27.05.2009, 7189-F(P), dt. 02.07.2010 and 8270-F(P), dt. 23.08.2011 the first, the second and the first 50% of the third instalment of arrear calculated as per item No.6 of this Department’s Memo No. 2728-F, dt. 07.04.2009 were released to the State Government employees on and from 1st August, 2009, 1st August, 2010 and 1st August, 2011 respectively.
3. Now, the undersigned is directed by order of the Governor to state that remaining 50% of the third instalment of arrear already calculated as per item no. 6 of this Department’s Memo No. 2728-F, dated 07.04.2009 will be paid to the State Government employees in the month of September, 2012.
Sd/- A. K. Das
OSD & E.O. Joint Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal
No. 7044-F dated 16.08.2012, Source