Maximum financial powers for sanctioning any extra item or items, substituted item or items, and deviation in quantity or quantities at a time or one or two of it.
Government of West Bengal Law & Arbitration Cell Public Works Department
No. 6873-PW/L&A/2M-312/2017 Dated: 29.01.2018
In terms of Finance Department’s memorandum No. 1324-F.B. dated 20.12.2017 and in continuation of this Department’s Notification No. 6754-PW/L&A/2M-312/2017 dated 18.12.2017 regarding (i) meaning of Administrative Department in Rule 239, sub para(h), (ii) delegation of maximum financial power for sanctioning any extra item or items of work, substituted item or items of work, and deviation in quantity or quantities of work at a time or one or two of it and (iii) agency to execute the extra item or items of work, substituted item or items of work, and deviation in quantity or quantities of work are clarified:
1. Administrative Department means Public Works Department of Government of West Bengal (i.e. executing Department).
2. Maximum financial powers for sanctioning any extra item or items, substituted item or items, and deviation in quantity or quantities at a time or one or two of it when the works are executing/ to be executed under same terms and conditions of existing agreement.
Administrative Approved Amount
Directorate level
Administrative Department (here it is Public Works Department)
Up to Rs. 10.00 crore.
Total expenditure of the contract shall be Original Tendered Amount + 10% of Original Tendered Amount or Administrative Approved Amount whichever is less. The amount will be derived after applying contractual percentage over the gross value of work.
Total expenditure of the contract shall be Up to delegated financial power.
More than Rs. 10.00 crore.
Total expenditure of the contract shall be Original Tendered Amount + 5% of Original Tendered Amount or Administrative Approved Amount whichever is less. The amount will be derived after applying contractual percentage over the gross value of work.
Total expenditure of the contract shall be Up to delegated financial power or Administratively approved amount whichever is higher.
3. In cases involving any extra item or items of work, substituted item or items of work and deviation in quantity or quantities of work already tendered for, in relation to this Department’s Notification No. 6754-PW/L&A/2M-312/2017 dated 18.12.2017, the works may be executed by the existing working agency after obtaining necessary Supplementary tender, Substitute Supplementary tender and consent of executing deviated quantities from the working agency as the case may be.
4. If any revised estimate containing any extra item or items of work, substituted item or items of work and deviation in quantity or quantities of work already tendered for, in relation to this Department’s Notification No. 6754-PW/L&A/2M-312/2017 dated 18.12.2017 comes to the Administrative Department for executing the work by the same working agency then said proposal should be recommended by the competent authority not below the rank of Superintending Engineer after obtaining necessary Supplementary tender, Substitute Supplementary tender and consent of executing deviated quantities from the working agency as the case may be. The Administrative Department may approve the revised estimate within his competency which may be executed by the same working agency on the condition that (i) the proposal is very much compatible with the work and (ii) inviting fresh tender may have adverse financial implication in terms of time and cost overrun.
These issues with the concurrence of Finance Department, Group “T” vide their U.O. No. Group T/2017-2018/0704 dated 24.11.2017.
This notification will take immediate effect.
By order of the Governor,
Sd/- Indevar Pandey Additional Chief Secretary to the Government of West Bengal Public Works Department