Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch
No. 5808-F(Y) Dated 10th September, 2018
Sub: Discontinuation of furnishing hard copy of beneficiary list to Treasury.
The State Government in Finance Department had earlier issued Memo No. 5801-F(Y) dated 14.09.2017 notifying the discontinuation of certain Treasury reports and registers with an aim to introduce paperless treasury system.
At present, DDO/Administrator/Operator of Deposit/PL A/cs prepares the beneficiary list online and also submits the hard copy of the same along with bill/advice and Subvouchers to the Treasury. Therefore, a large quantity of papers is unnecessarily used in printing the beneficiary list though all the details remain available online.
For some time past the State Government was contemplating about waiving of the provisions for submitting the printed copy of the beneficiary list for e-Pradan transaction generated from e-Pradan/e-Billing/Online LF-PL/HRMS module along with bill/advice to the Treasuries as the soft copies of the beneficiary list are readily available in IFMS.
After careful consideration of the matter, with a view to move further towards making paperless treasury system, the Governor is now pleased to discontinue the mandatory provision for submission of hard copy of beneficiary list with the bill/advice to Treasury.
This order shall take effect from 01.10.2018.
Necessary amendment in the West Bengal Treasury Rules, 2005 will be made in due course.
Sd/- H.K. Dwivedi
Additional Chief Secretary
to the Government of West Bengal