
Guidelines on Admission through Lateral Entry Scheme, 2014-15

Higher Education, 👁️ 266

Guidelines on admission to Engineering & Technology courses through Lateral Entry Scheme in various Degree Level Engineering & Technology (including Pharmacy) Courses in the academic session of 2014-15.

Government of West Bengal
Higher Education Department
Technical Education Branch
Bikash Bhawan, Salt Lake, Kolkata – 700 091

No. 376-Edn(T)/10M-74/09(Pt-I) Dated: Kolkata, the 12th August, 2014


Guidelines on admission to Engineering & Technology courses through Lateral Entry Scheme in various Degree Level Engineering & Technology (including Pharmacy) Courses in the academic session of 2014-15

Where as it has been decided by the State Government in the Higher Education Department to continue the admission process on the basis of the norms of the AICTE and other regulatory authorities, the following guidelines are prescribed for admission to various Degree Level Engineering & Technology (including Pharmacy) Courses under the Lateral Entry Scheme in the academic session of 2014-15:

1. The Lateral Entry Scheme will be applicable for all the disciplines except the courses of Architecture in Under Graduate Level Engineering & Technology Programmes as per the provisions laid down by the concerned regulatory authorities.

2. Diploma holders in Engineering and Technology (including Pharmacy) Courses and B.Sc. Degree holders shall be eligible for admission to 2nd year Engineering Degree Courses up to a maximum of 20% of sanction intake (except in Marine Engineering), and this will be over and above the approved intake, i.e. as supernumerary seats. But admission in the second year of Marine Engineering course will only be made against vacant seats carried over from the 1st year available within the sanction intake.

3. However, B.Sc. degree holders are not eligible for admission in B. Pharm Course under the Scheme.

4. It may be stated here that as per the AICTE norms, in addition to the abovementioned 20% supernumerary seats, additional Vacant Seats (S) in a Course through Lateral Entry is defined as: S=SI-(SI-C-F+B) where,

S = Vacant Seat(s) and is > zero
SI = Sanctioned Intake
C* = No. of cancellation in the 1st year level
F* = No. of students not eligible for admission to 2nd year as per rule/rules by Affiliating University.
B* = No. of students who belong to earlier batches who have become eligible for admission to 2nd year as per rule/rules by Affiliating University.

* N.B.: Students admitted against any type of supernumerary seat(s) shall not be considered in C, F or B.

5. These vacant seats are made available for admission in 2nd Year through Lateral Entry Process in two ways:

a) The seats mentioned under para-2, twenty percent (20%) Supernumerary Seats against Sanctioned Intake in 2nd Year will be made available to the candidates through Lateral Entry Counselling, conducted by the West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board (WBJEEB).

b) Remaining vacant seats mentioned under para-4 arising out of the formula laid down above, will be made available to the Participating Institutes for admission as per Decentralised Counselling norms, as laid down later in this order.

6. Eligibility criteria for admission through the Lateral Entry Scheme:

a) For Diploma holders in Engineering & Technology:

Candidates who have passed Diploma Examination from and AICTE approved institution, with at least 45% marks (40% in case of reserved category students) in appropriate branch of Engineering Technology.

b) For B.Sc. Degree holders:

Candidates who have passed B.Sc. Degree from a recognized University as defined by UGC with at least 45% marks (40% in case of reserved category students) and passed XII standard with Mathematics as a subject. Students under this scheme shall also clear the subject of Engineering Graphics/ Engineering Drawing and Engineering Mechanics of the 1st year Engineering & Technology Programme in the 2nd year of the Engineering & Technology programme.

c) For Diploma holders in Pharmacy:

Candidates who have passed Diploma Course in Pharmacy from an AICTE approved institution, with at least 45% marks (40% in case of reserved category students)

7. For centralised counselling process conducted by the WBJEEB, admission through Lateral Entry Scheme shall be made strictly on the basis of merit and preference of candidates in the Common Entrance Examination for admission through Lateral Entry Scheme (i.e. JELET).

8. Engineering and Technology Courses including Pharmacy available at Degree Level vis-a-vis the relevant Diploma Programmes applicable for admission under the Lateral Entry Scheme are given below:

Sl. No.Courses available for admission in U.G. Level Engineering & Technology CoursesRelevant disciplines of Diploma in Engineering & Technology for admission through Lateral Entry Scheme
1Applied Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering/ Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering/ Instrumentation & Control EngineeringApplied Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering/ Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering/ Instrumentation Technology/ Instrumentation Engineering/ Instrumentation & Control Engineering/ Medical Electronics
2Agriculture/ Agricultural EngineeringAgricultural Engineering
3Mechanical Engineering/ Automobile EngineeringMechanical Engineering/ Automobile Engineering
4Bio-TechnologyBio-Technology/ Medical Lab Technology
5Bio-Medical EngineeringBio-Medical Engineering/ Medical Lab Technology
7Chemical EngineeringChemical Engineering/ Chemical Technology
8Civil EngineeringCivil Engineering/ Survey Engineering/ Mining Engineering/ Mining Survey
9Ceramic TechnologyPottery & Ceramic Technology/ Ceramic Technology
10Computer Science & EngineeringComputer Science & Engineering/ Computer Science & Technology/ Information Technology/ Computer Software Technology
11Construction EngineeringCivil Engineering/ Construction Engineering/ Construction Technology
12Electronics & Communication Engineering/ Electronics & Tele – Communication EngineeringElectronics & Tele Communication Engineering/ Electronics & Communication Engineering/ Medical Electronics
13Electrical EngineeringElectrical Engineering
14Electrical & Electronics EngineeringElectrical & Electronics Engineering/ Electrical Engineering/ Electronics Engineering/ Electronics & Tele – Communication Engineering
15Food TechnologyFood Technology/ Food Processing Technology
16Jute Technology/ Jute & Fibre TechnologyJute Technology/ Jute and Fibre Technology/ Textile Technology (Handloom)/ Fashion Technology
17Leather TechnologyLeather Technology/ Foot Wear Technology/ Leather Goods Technology/ Leather Goods Technology & Accessories
18Metallurgical EngineeringMetallurgical Engineering
19Power Engineering/ Power Plant EngineeringPower Plant Engineering/ Mechanical Engineering/ Electrical Engineering
20Mechanical Engineering/ Production Engineering/ Chemical EngineeringPlastics Technology/ Plastics Mould Technology
21Mechanical Engineering/ Production EngineeringMechanical Engineering/ Production Engineering
22Printing Engineering/ Printing TechnologyPrinting Engineering/ Printing Technology/ Packaging Technology
23Textile Technology/ Apparel Production and ManagementTextile Technology (Handloom)/ Fashion Technology/ Apparel Production and Management
24Information TechnologyInformation Technology/ Electronics & Communication Engineering/ Computer Science & Engineering/ Electronics & Tele-Communication Engineering
25Marine EngineeringMarine Engineering/ Mechanical Engineering/ Electrical Engineering

9. The Lateral Entry Scheme may be available for all the existing Degree Level Engineering & Technology Colleges of the State under the purview of the Higher Education Department, Government of West Bengal including the State Aided Universities/ University Departments. Furthermore, Jadavpur University may invoke some pre-requisite conditions as per their regulations in connection with admission through Lateral Entry. The WBJEE Board will inform candidates about the same. However Indian Institute of Engineering Science & Technology, Shibpur will not admit any student under lateral entry scheme in the academic session of 2104-15.

10. Diploma in Fashion Technology Course of Government Polytechnic Institutions, Tripura will also be permitted for admission to Degree Level Apparel Production & Management Course and Textile Technology Course in Government College of Engineering and Textile Technology, Serampore and Berhamapore under Lateral Entry Scheme in relaxation of the domicile criteria as applicable only for admission to Government Engineering & Technology Colleges.

11. All relevant norms and guidelines of Director General, Shipping, Government of India are to be adhered to by the WBJEE Board for admissions into Marine Engineering Degree Course through Lateral Entry.

12. Diploma holder teachers in Government Polytechnic Colleges, West Bengal are eligible for admission in the academic session 2014-15 under the Lateral Entry Scheme provided they qualify in JELET and procure requisite permission from respective controlling authorities.

13. Reservation policy of the State Government will be applicable for SC/ST candidates. For PWD category students, three percent (3%) seats shall be made available under each of General/SC/ST categories (i.e. horizontal reservation) as per Reservation Act & relevant Rules published by the State Government. This guideline will be applicable for all the Government Engineering & Technology Colleges and optional for Self-financing Engineering & Technology Colleges.

14. The Director of Technical Education, West Bengal shall prepare the seat matrix for twenty percent (20%) supernumerary seats in the 2nd year for centralised counselling conducted by WBJEEB.

15. For admission under Management Quota seats may be made available upto a maximum of ten percent (10%) of the seats as earmarked in the above para for lateral Entry in the 2nd tear of different Engineering & Technology courses provided the candidates so admitted fulfil all requisite eligibility norms.

16. Decentralized Counselling under Lateral Entry :

In the event of seats remaining vacant against the seats mentioned in para-2 of this notification, after completion of JELET counselling by the WBJEE Board in the academic year 2014-2015, Decentralized Counselling for said vacant seats along with the seats under para-4 will be allowed to be conducted by the Participating Institutes as per guidelines laid down below. The candidates will be offered the said vacant seats in the following order of preference:-

a) Candidates with JELET 2014 rank (Diploma holder/ B.Sc. Degree holder) who fulfill all other eligibility norms as stipulated.

b) Engineering Diploma Holder Candidates who fulfill all other eligibility norms as stipulated.

c) B.Sc. Degree Holder Candidates fulfilling eligibility norms as stipulated.

17. After the completion of Centralized Counselling of JELET-2014, the Institutes having vacancies in various streams and willing to admit students through Decentralized Counselling, shall declare the list of vacancies. The “Notice” seeking application from eligible candidates has to be posted on the respective notice board and/or website of the Institute.

18. Individual Institute shall post the list of applicants with their rank/ marks, as applicable, on their website and notice board.

19. Thereafter, the concerned institute shall scrutinized all such applications and finalize the list of suitable candidates as per the order and criteria mentioned in this notification.

20. Merit List of the students thus prepared for admission into individual institute has to be sent to the affiliating University, as the case may be, within seven (07) days of its publication.

21. Thereafter, the respective Institute shall complete the admission process within the time stipulated by the affiliating University so that the candidates are registered with the affiliating University in a time bound manner.

22. In compliance with G.O. No. 268/Edn(T) dated 18.06.2014, Para – 6.0, vacant seats of 1st Year Engineering & Technology courses in respect of academic session 2014-15 may be filled up by JELET-14 rank holders/ Diploma holders/ B.Sc. Degree holders by the individual colleges, if so desired.

23. The West Bengal Free-ship Scheme (WBFS) as contained in the Higher Education Department’s Order no. No. 270-Edn(T)/10M-70/2012, Dated, Kolkata, 20th June 2014 read with the Corrigendum Order No. 367-Edn(T)/10M-70/2012, dated, Kolkata, 1st August, 2014 shall be applicable.

Sd/- Secretary
Higher Education Department
Government of West Bengal

No. 376-Edn dated 12.08.2014

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