
Grant of Ordinary International Passport for State Government Employees

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Guidelines regarding Issuance of Identification Certificate for grant of Ordinary International Passport facilities to the officials and employees of the State Government, Semi or QuasiGovernment organisation including officers of Statutory bodies, Undertakings, Corporations, Companies, Cooperatives and institutions etc.

Government of West Bengal
Personnel & A.R. Department
Training Cell
Writers’ Buildings, Kolkata 700 001

Office Memorandum

From: Shri Trilochan Singh, IAS
Principal Secretary to the Govt. of West Bengal.

To: 1) The Additional Chief Secretary/ Principal Secretary/ Secretary to the Government of West Bengal, ……………………. Department.
2) The Director General & Inspector General of Police, West Bengal.
3) The Commissioner of Police, Kolkata.
4) The Divisional Commissioner, Presidency/ Burdwan/ Jalpaiguri Division.
5) The District Magistrate.
6) The Director, Administrative Training Institute, Government of West Bengal.
7) The Secretary, Public Service Commission, West Bengal.

No.: 329()-PAR(Trg)/HR/O/3T-61/07 Dated Kolkata, the 29th May, 2007.

Sub.: Issuance of “Identification Certificate” for grant of Ordinary International Passport facilities to the officials and employees of the State Government, Semi or QuasiGovernment organisation including officers of Statutory bodies, Undertakings, Corporations, Companies, Cooperatives and institutions etc. – Guidelines regarding.

The undersigned is directed to say that the Ministry of External Affairs (CPV Division), Government of India has decided that all the Central Government employees, State Government employees, employees of Statutory bodies and Public Sector Undertakings should submit “Identification Certificate”, in duplicate in original official statutory as prescribed in the Annexure “B” in the Passport Booklet, instead of earlier “No Objection Certificate” from their cadre controlling authorities along with their application for the International passport and to cancel the Personnel & A.R. Department’s [erstwhile Home (P. & A.R.) Department] O.M. No. 669()-PAR(Trg)/3T-164/94 dated 17th August, 1994 containing guidelines regarding issuance of “No Objection Certificate” for grant of Ordinary International Passport facilities to the officials and employees of the State Government, Semi or Quasi- Government organisation.

2. Considering the change in the policy of the Government of India regarding issuance of passport to the employees, State Government employees, employees of Statutory bodies and Public Sector Undertakings, State Government has decided that the following procedural instructions should be meticulously followed while issuing “Identification Certificate” for grant/renewal of ordinary International Passport facilities to the officials or the employees of the State Government, Semi or Quasi-Government organisation including officers of Statutory bodies, Undertakings, Corporations, Companies, Cooperatives and institutions etc.:-

A) An “Identification Certificate” as prescribed by the Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India in the Annexure “B” (copy enclosed) may be issued in favour of an official or an employee belonging to any Group of Service in the office of the StateGovernment, Semi or Quasi-Government organisation including officers of Statutory bodies, Undertakings, Corporations, Companies, Cooperatives and institutions etc. and intending to apply for an ordinary International Passport facilities, by his/ her cadre controlling Department with the signature of an officer not below the rank of Joint Secretary to the State Government or equivalent after taking the decision for the issuance of such certificate at the level of an officer not below the rank of the Secretary to the State Government or equivalent or Head of Office provided:-

i) If he/ she submits the standard affidavit as given at Annexure “I” (copy enclosed) in the Passport Booklet;
ii) if there is no disciplinary proceedings or vigilance case either pending or under contemplation against the individual;
iii) if there is no ground to believe that the applicant could figure adversely on the security records of the Government; and
iv) if he/ she undertakes that he/ she should seek and obtain permission from the Government prior to undertaking any visit abroad.

B) The cases of issuance of “Identification Certificate” for granting ordinary International Passport facilities in favour of the officers/ employees of State Government, Semi or Quasi-Government organisation including officers of Statutory bodies, Undertakings, Corporations, Companies, Cooperatives and institutions etc. including Group “A” officers also need not be referred to the Personnel & A.R. Department for obtaining approval of the Chief Secretary.

3. After careful consideration State Government has decided that the employees of the State Government, Semi or Quasi-Government organisation including officers of Statutory bodies, Undertakings, Corporations, Companies, Cooperatives and institutions etc. should not approach to their cadre controlling Department for issuance of “Identification Certificate” in respect of their immediate family members (wife and dependent children only) and in such cases the passport may be obtained in the normal course as ordinary citizen.

4. However, only when the officials belonging to Group “A” categories of the State Government, Semi or Quasi-Government organisation including officers of Statutory bodies, Undertakings, Corporations, Companies, Cooperatives and institutions etc. intend to visit abroad either in official capacity or private capacity should be referred to this Department for obtaining the approval of the Chief Secretary in terms of the Chief Secretary’s Circular O.M. No. 466()-PAR(Trg)/HR/O/3T-112/97 dated 18th July, 2003 as usual with the prior approval of the Departmental Minster In-Charge/ Minster of State.

5. This should be brought to the notice of all concerned for information and strict compliance.

Sd/- Trilochan Singh
Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 329-PAR dated 29.05.2007

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