
Guidelines for Filling up of Gr. B, C and D Post through PSC

Finance, Public Service Commission,

Before reporting vacancies in all Group B, C and D posts for filling up by direct recruitment through the Public Service Commission, West Bengal, approval of the Appointment Committee of the cabinet will have to be obtained.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch

No. 9203-F, Dated: 05.10.2009


In terms of Economy circular issued by the Government from time to time, no vacant posts (Non-P.S.C.) can be filled up by direct recruitment without approval of the Appointment Committee of the Cabinet. Procedure laid down under para 5. (A) of Finance Department Memo No. 1149-F, dated 12th February, 2007 is followed in the matter of filling up such posts. Now in the event of direct Recruitment to all posts and services being under the purview of the Public Service Commission, West Bengal as per recent decision of the Government, question has been raised as to whether the existing procedure as aforesaid will continue to be followed in the cases of direct recruitment through the P.S.C., W.B.

2. After careful consideration of the matter, the Governor has been pleased to direct that before reporting vacancies in all Group ‘B’, Group-‘C’ and Group-‘D’ posts except the posts which are filled up through Miscellaneous Service Recruitment Examination and Stenographers’ Recruitment Examination for filling up by direct recruitment through the Public Service Commission, West Bengal, approval of the Appointment Committee of the cabinet will have to be obtained in each case, after duly observing the procedure laid down under para 5. (A) of Finance Department Memo. No. 1149-F dated 12th February, 2007, subject to provisions of para-2 of the Finance Department Memo No. 2555-F dated 3rd April, 2008.

Sd/- S. K. Chattopadhyay
Special Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department

No. 9203-F dated 05.10.2009

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