
Handing Over affairs by the Administrator of VEC and WEC

School Education, ,

Handing over affairs of the Village Education Committee (VEC) by the administrator appointed vide Memo Nos. 770-SE(EE)/10M-177/2013 dated 16/08/2013 and 707-SE(EE)/10M-177/2013, dated 18/07/2013 for Ward Education Committee (WEC) and VEC respectively.

Government of West Bengal
Department of School Education
Bikash Bhawan, 2nd Floor
Kolkata – 700091

Memo No. 165(20)/PD/PBSSM/2013/CM&AS/97/PBSSM/2013 Date: 08.11.2013

1-19) The District Project Officer, SSM
Bankura/ Birbhum/ Bardhaman/ Dakshin Dinajpur/ Howrah/ Hooghly/ Jalpaiguri/ Coocn Behar/ Kolkata/ Murshidabad/ Nadia/ North 24 Parganas/ Paschim Medinipur/ Purba Medinipur/ Purulia/ Siliguri/ South 24 Parganas/ Uttar Dinajpur/ Malda.

20) Project Officer, SSM, GTA

Sub: Handing over affairs of the VEC by the administrator appointed vide Memo Nos. 770-SE(EE)/10M-177/2013 dated 16/08/2013 and 707-SE(EE)/10M-177/2013, dated 18/07/2013 for WEC and VEC respectively.

Madam/ Sir,

With reference to the Memo Nos. quoted above with regard to appointment of Administrator for VECs/ WECs, some queries are being raised regarding what is to be done after the formation of the new VECs/ WECs following the completion of the Panchayat/ Municipal Election. This is to clarify that as per point No. 5 in the Memo No.s under reference 770-SE(EE)/10M-177/2013 dated 16/08/2013 and 707-SE(EE)/10M-177/2013, dated 18/07/2013 for WEC and VEC respectively, it is clearly stated that the Administrator will hand over the affairs of the WEC to the WEC/ SMC and after the formation of the same as per order issued in this respect subsequently.

Action may kindly be taken accordingly.

Sd/- C.D. Lama
State Project Director

No. 165-PD dated 08.11.2013

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