Appointment of Administrator for Village Education Committee


No. 707-SE (EE)/10M-177/2013 Date: 18.07.2013


WHEREAS there is an unprecedented situation prevailing in the State where the tenure of the Village Education Committees (VECs) formed vide No. 840-SE/PRY/2D-1/2007 dt. 07/08/2008, have expired and new VECs would be reconstituted only after the Panchayat Election is completed;

AND WHEREAS, it would be possible to form the new VECs only sometime in the month of August, 2013;

AND WHEREAS, the same is affecting the day to day functioning of the Primary Schools especially with regard to utilization of funds by the school in pursuance of the provisions of the Right to Education Act, 2009;

AND THEREFORE, after careful consideration of the above matter, the Governor is hereby pleased to issue the following instructions in the interest of ensuring smooth functioning of the schools in this intermittent period-

1) There will be an Administrator for the VECs.

2) The Head Teacher who was performing duties as Secretary of the VEC will now be the Administrator of the VEC.

3) The Administrator will take over the affairs of the VEC as custodian with authority to discharge day of day routine duties till a VEC/School Management Committee (as per Right to Education Act, 2009) is formed.

4) The VEC’s bank account will be jointly operated by the Administrator and the senior most female teacher if available and if unavailable the senior most teacher under the said VEC.

5) The Administrator will remain responsible for submission of regular reports and returns to the Circle Level Resource Centre or the District Project Office, SSM as the case may be with regard to the utilization of funds given under SSA.

6) The Administrator will hand over the affairs of the VEC to the VEC/ SMC after the formation of the same as per order issued in this respect subsequently.

This order is issued in public interest and will have over-riding effect over all other guidelines issued earlier in this regard and will come into force with immediate effect.

Sd/- S.C. Ghosh

Joint Secretary
School Education Department

No. 707-SE dated 18.07.2013

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