High Powered Committee is formed in order to review the conditions of engagement and further improvement in the financial benefits of Casual, Daily Rated, Contractual Workers.
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch
No. 1108-F(P) Howrah, the 25th February, 2016
In Finance Department Memorandum No. 1107-F(P) dated 25.02.2016 conditions of engagement as well as monthly remuneration, annual increase, medical facility, leave etc. for the causal/ daily rated/ contractual workers have been improved.
Now, in order to review the conditions of their engagement and further improvement in the financial and other conditions of engagement due to future developments, the Governor has been pleased to form a High Powered Committee as follows :
(i) Chief Secretary, West Bengal: Chairman
(ii) Additional Chief Secretary, Home: Member
(iii) Principal Secretary, Finance: Member – Convenor
(iv) Principal Secretary, P&AR: Member
The Committee will submit its report by 30th August, 2016.
Sd/- H. K. Dwivedi
Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal