Sub module for payment of salary to the employees of Grant-in-aid Colleges has been developed and deployed in the live server of IFMS.
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch
No. 1349-F(Y) Date: 06.03.2017
Sub: Implementation of Pay Roll Processing Sub-module of HRMS-IFMS for Grant-in-aid Colleges
The Government of West Bengal has decided to switch over to online Human Resource Management System (HRMS) from the manual process practiced across the state. In this respect the pay-roll sub module of HRMS has already been rolled out vide G.O. No. 8531-F(Y) dated 18/12/2015 and by using this facility DDOs are already drawing the pay bill of State Government employees whose salary is drawn from the detailed head 01-Salaries.
Now, the sub module for payment of salary to the employees of Grant-in-aid Colleges has been developed and deployed in the live server of IFMS. At present, the facility of generation of salary bill along with the schedules and challans for employees in grant-in-aid colleges (whose salary is paid out of 31-Grant-in-aid-01-Salary grant) is available for the DDOs in HRMS modules.
The Governor is hereby pleased to decide that the Grant- in-aid salary bills for employees of Grant-in-aid Colleges will mandatorily be prepared and submitted through HRMS-IFMS from 01/04/2017. In this connection all pre-requisites for drawal of grant-in-aid salary bills through HRMS module must be completed within 31/03/2017.
Guidelines for preparation of grant-in-aid bills are available under the “Guidelines” section of portal.
Sd/- H. K. Dwivedi
Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal