
Implementation of Pay Roll Processing Sub-module of HRMS-IFMS

Finance, 👁️ 216

To introduce the 1st sub-module of HRMS, namely ‘Pay Roll Processing’ for use by DDOs who can prepare monthly Pay Bills of their employees through this sub-module of HRMS-IFMS.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch

No. 8531-F(Y) Dated, 18th December, 2015


Sub: Implementation of Pay Roll Processing Sub-module of HRMS-IFMS

Integrated Financial Management System (IFMS) was introduced by the State Government in phases beginning with e-Bantan on and from 1.4.14. Some of the modules of IFMS like E-Bantan, E-Pradan, CTS, E-Billing etc. have been successfully rolled out. Human Resource Management System (HRMS), another module of IFMS, containing 18 (eighteen) sub-modules is being developed and it has been decided by the State Government to roll out the sub-modules of HRMS in phases beginning with ‘Pay Roll Processing’ sub-module. The sub-module provides the built-in benefit of more accuracy and less effort in preparation of the Pay Bill through the system than the manual system.

Therefore, the undersigned is directed to introduce the 1st sub-module of HRMS, namely ‘Pay Roll Processing’ for use by DDOs who can prepare monthly Pay Bills of their employees through this sub-module. The modalities for payroll processing sub-module of HRMS are as follows:-

  1. The COSA data file for the month immediately preceding the month for which pay bill is processed through HRMS for the first time shall be taken as the “Primary source of Employee information” in HRMS.
  2. The Employee Information shall be collected in the Employee information Data Sheet which can be downloaded from the ‘Download’ option of the IFMS Portal. The User Manual may also be downloaded from the ‘Download’ option of the IFMS Portal for ready reference.
  3. DDOs are required to use the DSC to authenticate the employee information in the system and submit the Pay Bill online to the Treasury/ Pay & Accounts Office.
  4. A copy of the Pay Bill will be printed out, signed and submitted to the Treasury/ Pay & Accounts Office by the DDO following the usual procedure.
  5. All the Schedules and Challans will be generated automatically by the system without any manual intervention.

Preparation and submission of the Pay Bill through HRMS-IFMS is now optional, but mandatory from January, 2016 onwards.

Treasuries and Pay & Accounts Offices will have helpdesks initially to help the D.D.O.s to insert Employee Information into the system and generate as well as submit Pay Bills using the sub-module.

Sd/- H.K. Dwivedi
Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 8531-F dated 18.12.2015, Source