
IFMS-GeM Integration for Procurement through GeM Portal

Finance, , 👁️ 417

Introduction of IFMS-GeM integration for smooth and hassle free procurement of Goods & Services through GeM Portal by all State Government Offices and Public Sector Undertakings, Statutory Bodies, Local Bodies, etc.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch
E-Governance Group

No. 834-F(Y) Dated 01st March, 2021


Subject: Introduction of IFMS-GeM integration for smooth and hassle free procurement of Goods & Services through GeM Portal by all State Government Offices and Public Sector Undertakings, Statutory Bodies, Local Bodies, etc. under administrative control of the State Government

Procurement of Goods & Services through Government e Marketplace (GeM) was introduced in the State Government Offices and Public Sector Undertakings, Statutory Bodies, Local Bodies, etc. under the administrative control of the State Government vide Finance Department Memo No. 3876-F(Y) dated 14/06/2018. Subsequently several memos vide Nos. 4949-F(Y) dated 03/08/2018, 5430-F(Y) dated 23/08/2018, 5480-F(Y) dated 24/08/2018 and 4262-F(Y) dated 26/07/2019 were issued from time to time for updating modalities for procurement of Goods & Services through GeM Portal.

Following the existing procedure, registration of Primary & Secondary Users, placement of purchase orders, generation of Consignee’s Receipt and Acceptance Certificate (CRAC)/ Invoice, etc are being presently done in GeM Portal by a good number of State Government Offices and Public Sector Undertakings, Statutory Bodies, Local Bodies, etc. under administrative control of the State Government. Payment for such purchases is made to the seller (of GeM) by the concerned DDO/ Deposit Account Administrator by initiating payment process through IFMS/ Office Bank Account. Once the payment is done, the payment information which includes UTR No., Date, Amount etc. have to be uploaded in GeM Portal by concerned DDO/Deposit Account Administrator or Buyer by entering the payment details manually in order to complete the entire transaction cycle. This manual entry of payment details along with no provision/scope for system based blocking of fund (from the duly sanctioned allotment/scheme at the time of placing purchase orders in GeM) primarily accounts for delay in payment to sellers (of GeM) in a considerable number of cases.

As a result it was under active consideration of the Government for some time past to make the process of procurement of Goods & Services through GeM from the State Budget/Deposit Accounts of IFMS, smooth and hassle free. Accordingly the Governor is pleased to introduce IFMS-GeM integration functionality with the following features:

i. Authentication of User ID of DDO of GeM by the DDO/Deposit Account Administrator of – IFMS after its registration (by the Primary User) on GeM portal.

ii. Compulsory blocking of fund in IFMS from the allotment/scheme duly sanctioned under Heads of Account/ Schemes before purchase order is finally placed in GeM.

iii. Modification of the Head of Account/Scheme in which fund is blocked to another Head of Account/ Scheme (subject to availability of fund under that Head of Account/Scheme) only after final purchase order is placed in GeM.

iv. Unblocking of the blocked fund either (a) before purchase order is finally placed in GeM or (b) upon cancellation of the already placed order in GeM.

v. Automated availability of CRAC/Invoice in IFMS.

vi. Automated preparation of Beneficiary Master of GeM Sellers in IFMS.

vii. Automated updation of payment information in GeM Portal after receiving payment scrolls from RBI (eKuber) and/or Modification of Failed Transactions, if any.

A. Authentication of User ID of DDO of GeM by the DDO/ Deposit Account Administrator of IFMS after its registration on GeM Portal

For fresh DDO Registration (Secondary User) in GeM, the desired linking between IFMS-GeM users would be done automatically once authentication of User ID of DDO of GeM (created by Primary User on GeM Portal) is done by the DDO/Deposit Account Administrator in IFMS.

The existing registered DDOs of GeM (legacy registered DDOs of GeM) shall not be required to register in GeM again. In case of existing registered DDOs of GeM, one time entry of DDO Code (both for DDOs/Deposit Account Administrators of IFMS**) has to be done by the concerned Primary Users of GeM in the GeM Portal. Thereafter, the concerned DDO/Deposit Account Administrator of IFMS shall authenticate the “User ID” of DDO of GeM in IFMS meticulously for establishing the desired link between IFMS and GeM. Accordingly all Primary Users and DDOs of GeM are hereby requested to complete the task of linking that requires entry of DDO Code in GeM Portal by Primary User and authentication of such User ID of DDO of GeM in IFMS Portal by the DDO in respect of all legacy registered DDOs of GeM positively by 16.04.2021.

[**The Deposit Account Administrators for its registration should enter in the GeM Portal a 9 digits Internal Deposit Account Operator Code (in the place marked as “DDO Code”J developed keeping in conformity with the 9 digits DDO Code of IFMS at the time of registration process. This newly generated 9 digit unique code shall be available on the top panel of the home page of “Online PL” Login as “Internal Deposit A/C Operator Code “.]

Once the authentication of user ID of DDO of GeM with the DDO/Deposit Account Administrator gets completed in IFMS, functionalities like blocking/ unblocking of fund, availability of details of CRAC/GeM Invoice, tagging of GeM Order ID with Reference No., automated preparation of Beneficiary Master, automated payment information to GeM, etc. shall become available in IFMS.

B. Blocking of Fund from allotment/ scheme duly sanctioned from State Budget/ Deposit Accounts before final placement of purchase order in GeM

Before placing finally the purchase order for procurement of Goods & Services in GeM through IFMS-GeM integration functionality, the concerned Approver (DDO/Deposit Account Administrator) has to compulsorily block in IFMS Portal the desired fund required for purchase from the respective Head of Account/Scheme (State Budget/Deposit Accounts) under which the allotment/ deposit balance is available for such purchase. Blocking of Fund facility for purchase from GeM shall be available for AAFS Head of Accounts, Non-AAFS Head of Accounts, Security Deposits and Deposit Accounts of IFMS. The fund so blocked shall be used only for payment of Goods & Services procured through GeM, unless it is otherwise unblocked or modified.

Fund blocked under any Head of Account for making purchases of Goods & Services through GeM but remaining unprocessed on the last working day of the Financial Year, shall automatically get cancelled in IFMS. Fresh blocking of fund against such unprocessed orders/ pending payments of GeM shall require to be done by the DDO upon receiving allotment in the new Financial Year. No preparation of bills/blocking of fund in IFMS in any Head of Account in the new financial year against any new/fresh order in GeM or in non-GeM mode shall be possible in IFMS unless fund for unprocessed/pending payments of GeM pertaining to previous financial year is blocked by the DDO. However such exercise shall not be applicable for any unprocessed orders/ pending payments in respect of Deposit Accounts due to closure of Financial Year.

C. Modification of Head of Account/Scheme for blocked fund

Once the Purchase Order gets finalized by the Buyer in GeM Portal, the duly Blocked Fund cannot be unblocked but only be modified from one Head of Account to another and/or from one Scheme to another subject to availability of fund under that Head of Account and/or Scheme. The modification of Head of Account/Scheme shall be available only for Non-AAFS Projects, AAFS Projects (within the same Project id), Security Deposits, and Deposit Accounts of the DDO/ Deposit Accounts Administrators as the case may be.

D. Unblocking of blocked fund (a) before final placement of purchase order in GeM & (b) upon cancellation of Order in GeM

The fund once blocked by the Approver (DDO/Deposit Account Administrator) may be unblocked in IFMS so long as the Purchase Order is not finalized by the Buyer in GeM Portal. Once purchase order is finalized in GeM Portal, no unblocking of fund shall be possible. Also unblocking of fund will be done automatically in IFMS Portal in case the Purchase Order gets cancelled in GeM Portal.

The Blocked/Unblocked amount shall be reflected in the Allotment Register of the DDO & Operator Passbook of the Deposit Account Administrator in IFMS.

E. Automated availability of CRAC/Invoice in IFMS

The Consignee’s Receipt Acceptance Certificate (CRAC) & GeM Invoice shall be available in e-billing/Online PL module of IFMS from GeM Portal. Based on the availability of CRAC/lnvoice from GeM Portal, the Bill/Reference shall be prepared in IFMS.

The provision for deductions from Gross amount of GeM Order shall be available in IFMS as per existing provisions of the Government. The net amount/deductions amount shall be processed at the time of Bill /Reference preparation in IFMS accordingly.

F. Automated preparation of Beneficiary Master of GeM Sellers in IFMS

No beneficiary master is required to be prepared/ approved in IFMS for GeM beneficiary. The bank details of the GeM beneficiary will be available automatically in ECS/ NEFT page of IFMS at the time of Bill/Reference generation in IFMS. However CPIN has to be generated in GSTN and entered in ‘CPIN Master’ of IFMS following the existing procedure for deduction of TDS on GST, if required. All other modalities regarding mandatory submission of returns etc. as per IT Act, GST Act etc. shall continue to remain as usual.

G. Automated updation of payment information in GeM Portal after receiving payment scrolls from RBI (ekuber) and Modification of Failed Transactions, if any

Once the payment from IFMS is done, the payment/deductions information shall automatically be updated from IFMS to GeM Portal based on the receipt of payment scrolls from RBI (eKuber), except in case of Failed Transactions.

In the case of Failed Transactions of GeM beneficiary, the modification of Failed Transaction will be done in IFMS as per the existing procedure. The correct bank details in respect of beneficiary of such Failed Transactions shall have to be collected by the DDO/Deposit Account Administrator by making official correspondences to the dedicated email ids of beneficiary and GeM. Subsequently upon modification, the payment would be made to the concerned GeM beneficiary and payment information communicated to the dedicated email ids of beneficiary and GeM for manual updating in the GeM Portal, until further orders.

H. Other Points

Legacy information/tasks prior to authentication process of IFMS-GeM shall not be available in IFMS. In that case the pending task(s), if any, should be completed as per existing process before introduction of IFMS-GeM integration.

The IFMS-GeM integration is applicable only for those GeM Users who are making payment through “IFMS: State Government Civil Ministries Using IFMS Payment Mode”. In this respect it is important to note that GeM Users who somehow fail to access “IFMS: State Government Civil Ministries Using IFMS Payment Mode” can avail “Others” Payment Method that will be available only up to 31.03.2021 in GeM Portal.

Payment of GeM bills, the processing of Bill/References at DDOs/Deposit Account Administrators/ Treasuries may be expedited to avoid any delay in terms of FD Memo No. 3876-F(Y) Dated 18/06/2018.

The User Manual for IFMS-GeM integration is available in IFMS Portal.

This order shall take immediate effect.

Principal Secretary
to the Government of West Bengal

No. 834-F dated 01.03.2021, Source

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