
Introduction of IFMS Module for GPF Account Statement

Finance, ,

Introduction of a facility in IFMS to access a statement showing up-to-date GPF balance for State Government Employees whose GPF Accounts are maintained by the Office of the Accountant General, West Bengal.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch

No: 7059-F(Y) Dated: 30.12.2019


Sub: Introduction of a facility in IFMS to access a statement showing up-to-date GPF balance for State Government Employees whose GPF Accounts are maintained by the Office of the Accountant General, West Bengal (AGWB)

Human Resources Management System (HRMS) has been introduced and various facilities pertaining to service matters of the State Government Employees are applied, processed and approved through this system. Various statements like pay slip, leave statement, loan statement, IT Statement, etc. are available to an employee online. The receipt into and payments from GPF of State Government employees are also executed through IFMS. However, the up-to-balance in GPF, Account is not available to an employee online in HRMS whose accounts are maintained by the Office of the Accountant General, West Bengal.

Now, the Governor is pleased to introduce a facility in HRMS for capturing GPF balances of employees whose accounts are maintained by the Office of the Accountant General, West Bengal so that a statement showing up-to-date balance lying in their GPF Account can be made available online. The procedure for capturing of GPF balances by those employees or Head of Offices and approval of GPF balances by the Head of Offices are given in Annexure-A. The balance capture and approval process shall be completed by 31st January, 2020.

Accountant General, West Bengal shall continue to maintain the General Provident Fund (GPF) Accounts for Group A, B and C State Government Employees as usual. It may be noted that the process detailed herein does not change or replace any of the present provision or rule of ‘The General Provident Fund (West Bengal Services) Rules‘.

It is being provided as an additional facility to employees for viewing the up to date balance in their GPF Account.

This order shall take immediate effect.

Sd/- H.K. Dwivedi
Additional Chief Secretary
to the Government of West Bengal

No. 7059-F dated 30.12.2019, Source

Annexure A
[Notification No. 7059-F(Y) date 30.12.2019]

A. Actions to be taken by the employees:

a) State Government Employees through their ESE login shall enter the closing balance of Balance I, Balance II and Balance III as shown in the GPF Statement issued by the Office of the AGWB for the year ending 31/03/2019 in the respective fields of the ‘balance capture’ screen in the GPF menu.

b) Employees have to make a copy of their GPF Account Statement issued by the Office of the AGWB for the year ending 31/03/2019, write his/her HRMS Id on the copy of the Statement, self-attest it and thereafter scan and upload the same at the time of capturing of balances.

c) Finally, employees will forward the captured balances to the Head of Office online.

d) In exceptional circumstances, if the employee is unable to use ESE facility, he/she may submit the self-attested copy of their GPF Account Statement for the year ending 31.03.2019 to the Head of Office after writing his/her HRMS, Id on it.

B. Actions to be taken by the Head of Office

a) The GPF balances forwarded by the employees online to Head of Office shall be approved by the Head of Office using DSC after verification of the captured balances with the uploaded copy of the GPF Account statement issued by the Office of the AGWB for the year ending 31.03.2019.

b) In case of employees who have submitted self-attested hard copy of GPF Statement instead of capturing the balances online

i) The Head of Office or the operator attached to the Head of Office shall capture the GPF Balance and upload the scan of the copy of the GPF Account Statement submitted by the employee and thereafter

ii) The Head of Office shall complete the approval process using DSC after verification.

The opening balances as on 01.04.2019 are to be entered only in respect of those employees having HRMS Id and who were in service as on 01/04/2019.