Implementation of COSA in DDO Offices
Implementation of COSA application package in DDO offices under your Department for submission of softcopy of monthly salary bills to treasuries.
Implementation of COSA application package in DDO offices under your Department for submission of softcopy of monthly salary bills to treasuries.
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Writers’ Buildings, Kolkata-700 001.
No. 305(65)/FY/P/1E-180/2011, Dated: 06.02.2012
To: The Addl. Chief Secretary/Principal Secretary/Secretary, ……….. Department, Government of West Bengal.
Sub: Implementation of COSA application package in DDO offices under your Department for submission of softcopy of monthly salary bills to treasuries.
You are aware that all treasuries in West Bengal are fully computerized and they are submitting computerized monthly accounts to the Accountant General, West Bengal. Linked Banks are transmitting computerized daily scrolls of receipts and payments to the corresponding treasuries using Net and WBSWAN network. Treasuries are also transmitting financial data to the central data repository at the Directorate of Treasuries & Accounts using WBSWAN network. Establishment of link with the office of the Accountant General, West Bengal and Reserve Bank of India, Kolkata is also under way.
Now, the Finance Department is contemplating receiving softcopy of monthly salary bills at the treasuries from the DDOs in order to enhance efficiency, accuracy and capture details of employee data.
In view of the circumstances stated above, implementation of COSA application package by DDOs is prerequisite for preparation of monthly salary bills in electronic formats. Submission of bills by DDOs in soft copy to treasures is of utmost importance for error-free and timely preparation of treasury accounts.
Submission of bills to treasuries in electronic formats is also very important for building up employee database as the detailed employee-wise data received at treasuries can be transmitted to a central data repository for analysis and report generation.
About a year back, the 13th Finance Commission recommended that the State Government should build up a database of State Govt. employees drawing salary from the State exchequer. The employees drawing salary by way of Grant-in-Aid and the pensioners are also to be included in the database. The 14th Finance Commission will seek critical financial reports relating to salaries and pensions for its consumption from the State Government. Unless the database is in place well in advance, State Government will not be in a position to furnish relevant financial information to the 14th Finance Commission. It may be mentioned here that preparation of employee database by collecting and collating data from different sources is a huge task that will take substantial time.
In order to facilitate rapid implementation of COSA application package in DDO offices, which the Government plans to make mandatory from 1st July, 2012, this Department has selected, agencies through open tender. The agencies would provide all necessary supports to DDOs at the rates approved by the Department. Formal order towards delegation of financial power to the head of office for procurement of computer systems (PC with software, Printer, UPS etc.) and making arrangement for infrastructural facilities (Furniture, Electrical fittings etc.) in DDO’s office is being issued separately.
I would now request you to look into the matter and issue necessary instruction to all concerned under your control so that COSA application is implemented as soon as possible, latest by 30.06.2012. Government order detailing procedures in this respect is being issued shortly.
Yours faithfully,
Sd/- H.K. Dwivedi
Secretary, Finance Department
No. 305 dated 06.02.2012, Source