Department of School Education
Secondary Branch
No. 61-SE(S) Dated: 30.01.1996.
To: The Director of School Education.
Sub: Recognition of training degrees/ diploma/ certificates for the purpose of incremental benefits to the teaching posts of aided Non-Govt. Secondary Schools.
Representations have been received from different quarters pointing out difficulties in the drawal of increments due to wrong interpretation of different existing orders of the Govt. on the subject. It has been stated that trained teachers of aided Non-Govt. Secondary schools in some cases either are being deprived of incremental benefits or in some cases some benefits, even after drawal, are being deducted much to the distress of such teachers. All these points have been engaging the attention of the State Govt. in the Education Department for sometime past.
2. After careful consideration of all the aspects, involved in the matter, the undersigned is directed by the order of the Governor to say as follows:
(a) All existing teachers of aided Non-Govt. Secondary Schools who acquired the training qualifications as per G.O. No. 1817-Edn.(S) dated 11.9.69 irrespective of their groups or appointments, shall be treated as trained teachers for the purpose of incremental benefits only with effect from the date, following the last date of examinations, both theoretical and practical, in respect of each of such individual teacher.
(b) In addition, all existing teachers having B.Ed. or Diploma in Home Science or B.Ed. training with Work Education as method subject from any recognised university shall be eligible for such incremental benefits irrespective of their groups or appointments.
(c) Any teacher appointed on or after the issue of this Govt. order shall be allowed annual increments only when the training qualification of the teacher is relevant to his/her subject/ group of appointment.
(d) The G.O. No. 1817-Edn.(S) dt. 11.9.69 and any subsequent orders issued on the subject shall stand modified to that extent.
Sd/- P. N. Bhad
Joint Secretary
No. 61-SE dated 30.01.1996
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