e-Bantan module will cover the entire processes of digitized fund flow ending up at the Drawing and Disbursing Officer’s level. For the purpose, it requires provisioning of Internet Connectivity up to the DDO level.
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
325, Sarat Chatterjee Road
Howrah-711 102
No. FS-49/2014 Date: 12th March, 2014
The Addl. Chief Secretary/ Principal Secretary/ Secretary
…………………………………. Department,
Government of West Bengal.
You are aware that the Finance Department is going to introduce the IFMS project with effect from 1st April, 2014 starting with e-Bantan in the first step in terms of Finance Department’s Memo. No. 2088-F.B. dated 28th February, 2014. The e-Bantan module will cover the entire processes of digitized fund flow ending up at the Drawing and Disbursing Officer’s level. For the purpose, it requires provisioning of Internet Connectivity up to the DDO level.
2. You are, therefore, requested to arrange for computer and Internet Connectivity latest by 31st March, 2014 at the levels linked with flow of fund (allotment of fund etc.) for smooth implementation of the IFMS project. Any delay would result in dislocation.
3. In this connection, your attention is also drawn to Finance Department Memo. No. 9055-F(Y) dated 30.12.2013 wherein financial power has been delegated to Departmental Secretary for sanctioning dedicated telephone line with broad band connection for the DDOs having no direct telephone connection in their offices.
The matter may be treated as Most Urgent.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Sd/- H.K. Dwivedi
Principal Secretary
Finance Department