Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Nabanna, 12th Floor
325, Sarat Chatterjee Road, Howrah- 711102
No. 4046-F(e-Gov) Date: 11.09.2024
Sub: Introduction of modalities of Application, Sanction of Advance and Final Payment of Provident Fund through the NGIPF module.
The Non-Government Institutions Provident Fund (NGIPF) module of West Bengal Integrated Financial Management System (WBIFMS) has been introduced vide this department’s Memo No. 4309-F(e-Gov) dated 12/07/2023 read with 4357-F (e-Gov). dated 14/07/2024 with Directorate of Pension, Provident Fund and Group Insurance, West Bengal (DPPG,WB) as apex body for implementing NGIPF Module.
Capturing of employee-wise opening balance, submission of employee wise PF register by the on-boarded institutions to DPPGWB and final acceptance of employee wise PF register has become fully functional since some time past in NGIPF Module. After acceptance of PF register online, interest on Provident Fund has been directly credited into the provident fund accounts of the employees of those institutions for the last two consecutive financial years through the NGIPF module.
Now, the undermentioned functionalities have also been developed and deployed in NGIPF module following the guidelines already laid down in respective PF rules of such institutions-
i. Application, sanction and drawal of Refundable and Non-Refundable Advance.
ii. Application, sanction and drawal of Part-Final withdrawal (applicable as per existing PF rules)
iii. Application, sanction and drawal of Final Payment of accumulated funds.
DPPG, WB will determine the date of effect of the above mentioned functionalities for any one or group of the institution(s) only after the PF register has been finally accepted.
Moreover, DPPG, WB is hereby authorised to calculate and approve the admissible interest based on the final payment as sanctioned by respective authority of the institution(s). On receipt of the final payment authority from DPPG, WB, the PFD Admin shall disburse the final payments to the employees. The interest amount so sanctioned for the final payment cases will appear as negative balance until the interest for that particular year is recouped by Accountant General, West Bengal after debiting the amount from the Head of Account “2049-interest” and crediting the same to the respective scheme head of account under Major Head “8336-Civil Deposits” on the basis of the memo submitted by DPPG, WB.
The modalities and process for application, sanction and drawal of Refundable/ Non-refundable Advances, Part Final withdrawal and Final Payment through the NGIPF module has been laid down in Annexure-I.
This order shall come into force with immediate effect.
Sri Prabhat Kumar Mishra, IAS
Additional Chief Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal
(Memo No. 4046-F(e-Gov) dated: 11.09.2024)
1. Application for Refundable/ Non-Refundable Advance, Part Final withdrawal and Final Payment of PF by the employee:
Application for Refundable/ Non-refundable Advance, Part Final withdrawal (if applicable), Final Payment may be made online by the respective employee using their own user credentials i.e. the login ID and password created by them for Employee Self Service (ESS) in WBIFMS portal. However, in case the employee is unable to apply online, he/she may submit hard copy application to their respective Recommendation Admin/ Sanction Admin.
2. Recommendation of Refundable/ Non-refundable Advances, Part Final withdrawals and Final Payments of PF to employees by the Recommendation Admin:
The Recommendation Admin, whereas applicable under respective PF Rules, shall immediately on receipt of online or physical application, as the case may be, process the application online in the NGIPF module and forward the application with recommendation to the Sanction Admin after checking the points as required in the respective PF Rules.
3. Sanction of Refundable/ Non-Advances, Part Final withdrawals and Final Payments of PF to employees by the Sanction Admin:
The Sanction Admin shall immediately on receipt of online or physical application, as the case may be, process the claim online in the NGIPF module and accord sanction after duly checking all the points required for such sanction in the respective PF Rules. Sanction of Refundable/ Non- Advances, Part Final withdrawals shall be forwarded to PFD Admin for drawal of the claim and the sanction of the Final Payments will be forwarded to the DPPG,WB for sanction of the admissible amount of interest.
4. Issuance of Final Payment Authority of PF by Directorate of Pension, Provident Fund and Group Insurance, West Bengal:
DPPG, WB shall on receipt of online sanction from Sanction Admin, calculate the admissible interest and issue final payment authority of PF online through NGIPF module. This final payment authority shall be for the accumulated PF standing at the credit of the subscriber together with admissible amount of interest as per the respective PF rules. Once the final payment authority is approved by DPPG, WB, the said authority shall become available in the respective WBIFMS logins of the employee, Recommendation Admin, Sanction Admin and PFD Admin.
5. Drawal of Refundable/ Non-Refundable Advances, Part Final withdrawals and Final Payments of PF to employees by the PFD Admin
Sanction of Refundable/Non-Refundable Advances, Part Final withdrawals issued by the Sanction Admin and Final Payment Authority of Final Payments of PF issued by DPPG.WB will be available in the login of the PFD admin for generation of reference from NGIPF Module. Once the references are generated from NGIPF Module, the same will be available in Online LF/PL/PF/PD Module of WBIFMS for processing and submission of advices to the Treasury/PAO.
6. Passing of PF advice for Refundable/ Non-Refundable Loans, Part Final withdrawal (if applicable) and Final Payment of PF by the Treasury:
Treasury Officer on receipt of PF advice for Refundable/ Non-Refundable Advances, Part Final withdrawal and Final Payment shall process the same based on the sanction orders/ final payment authority of DPPG,WB made available by the PFD Admin in WBIFMS online with the advice. Upon payment from the Treasury/PAO, disbursement details shall be updated online in the PF Statement of the respective employees as well as in the operator passbook of PF Deposit Accounts.
Special Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal
No. 4046-F dated 11.09.2024, Source