
Who are authorized to Verify Life Certificates?


As per West Bengal Treasury Rule the Pensioners/ Family Pensioners are required to submit Life Certificates duly verified by authorized persons in the month of November every year to the pension disbursing Bank/ Treasuries.

Government of West Bengal
Directorate of Treasuries and Accounts
Finance Department
8, Lyons Range, 3rd Floor, Kolkata-700 001
Fax: 2248-4742 e-mail: dta-wb@gov.in
2243-8067, 2248-6163, 2248-3262, 2231-6080, 2262-1162

DT/O/10/C-15/833 Dated: 04/11/2020


Re: Acceptance of duly filled and Certified Life Certificates to be submitted by the Pensioners/ Family Pensioners to the Bank branches through messengers.

As per West Bengal Treasury Rule No. 4.171 (2) the Pensioners/ Family Pensioners are required to submit Life Certificates duly verified by authorized persons in the month of November every year to the pension disbursing Bank/ Treasuries. Life Certificates can also be submitted digitally using the Aadhar based Jeevan Praman application.

In the current pandemic situation it is expected that many Pensioners/ Family Pensioners would refrain themselves from visiting the Bank branches/ Treasuries for verification of Life Certificates by the Bank/ Treasury officials and at the same time it may not be possible for them to submit their Life Certificates digitally using the Jeevan Praman application. It may be expected that a large number of Pensioners may submit Life Certificates duly verified by authorized persons, physically to the pension disbursing Bank branches or Treasuries, through messengers/ post.

All pension disbursing Banks and Treasuries are requested to accept the duly verified Life certificates submitted through messengers/ post and should not insist upon the physical appearance of the Pensioner/ Family Pensioner in the Bank branch/ Treasury. Arrangement of Drop Boxes or Special Counters for submission of the duly verified Life Certificates by the messengers need to be made in all the pension disbursing Bank branches/ Treasuries.

List of officers/ persons authorized to verify Life Certificates as per WBTR 4.171 (2):

  1. Gazette officers of Central/ State Government.
  2. Officers of Reserve bank of India/ Public Sector Banks.
  3. Registrar or Sub Registrar appointed under Indian registration Act 1908.
  4. Police Officer not below the rank of Sub-Inspector, in charge of a Police Station.
  5. Post Master/ Departmental Sub Post Master/ Inspector of Post Offices.
  6. Head of Gram Panchayet/ Panchayet Samity/ Zilla Parishad.
  7. Head of any Non Government School/ College.
  8. Any Registered Medical Practitioner.
  9. M.P./ M.L.A./ Councilor/ Chairman of any Municipality or Municipal Corporation.
  10. Managing Director/ Director/ Exe. Director of any State or Central PSUs.

Joint Director of Treasuries & Accounts West Bengal

DT/O/10/C-15/833 dated 04.11.2020, Source

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