School Education, Admission , RTE
At first a general lottery from among all applications irrespective of any category to find out the selected general candidates. Then, a second set lottery for left over candidates in each category i.e. SC, ST and OBC candidates.
Government of West Bengal
School Education Department
(Primary Branch)
Bikash Bhawan, Salt Lake, Kolkata-700 091
No. 628-SE(Pry)/10M-186/2010 Dated: 12.10.2011
Whereas a good number of complaints have been received by the School Education Department against the prevailing system of lottery conducted in Government-run-Schools in connection with selection of candidates for admission of students in elementary classes;
And whereas students belonging to reserved category are reportedly being deprived of their legitimate privileges by such process of lottery.
Now, therefore, the Government is pleased to introduce separate sets of lotteries as per mode stated hereunder.
i) At first a general lottery from among all applications irrespective of any category to find out the selected general candidates.
ii) A second set lottery for left over candidates in each category i.e. separate lottery for the left over SC candidates, separate for left over ST candidates and separate lottery for left over OBC candidates to select the candidates from the reserved quota in each category.
This will be effective form the next academic session i.e. 2012 in all Govt./ Govt aided schools across the State of West Bengal for admission of students in elementary classes.
By the order of the Governor,
Sd/- V. Sen
School Education Department