Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch
Memo. No. 3332-F(Y) Date: 01/11/2021
Initiation of making payment through SBMS.
Schematic Bank Account Management System (SBMS) in IFMS has already been introduced vide Memorandum No. 2603-F(Y) dated 30th April 2019 of Finance Department, Audit Branch, Government of West Bengal by registration of Institutional Bank Accounts in SBMS. Now, the Governor has been pleased to introduce other modalities in SBMS for making payment through SBMS. In this connection following modalities are going to be rolled out for making SBMS fully operational: –
- Agency Registration.
- Beneficiary Registration.
- Other Scheme Bifurcation.
- Opening Balance Capture.
- Inter Scheme Balance including Unsettled Balance Transfer.
- Favorite List Creation.
- Sanction Generation.
- Advice Generation.
- Failed Transaction Handling.
- Reconciliation.
- Payment Tracking.
Brief Clarification on modalities:
- Agency Registration:- There are some Entities which are not a Government Office/ Board/ Corporation/ Municipal Body/ Development Authority/ Trust/ Society/ Undertaking/ Commission/ Statutory Body/ Parastatal, etc. under the control of the Departments and which are mere recipients of Schematic funds in their Bank Account(s). These Entities generally receive funds as advance but not in significant portion for any particular Scheme, neither do they transfer the funds received to any other Institutional Account nor do they receive funds directly from Treasury/ PAO. Also, they do not qualify to have any HOO/ Parastatal Code allotted in HRMS. Such Entities may be termed as Agencies in SBMS Module by the Department. For example: Primary & Secondary Aided Schools receive Scheme funds of School Education Department from the Sub-Inspector of Schools, different NGOs and Societies under Health Department, Seif Help Groups, etc. vide Memorandum No. 2603-F(Y) dated 30th April 2019 of Finance Department, Audit Branch, Government of West Bengal. Agency is to be registered through SBMS for getting payment of Schematic Fund in its Bank Accounts.
- Beneficiary Registration:- Beneficiary includes Contractors, Vendors, Employees, Pensioners and any other third parties etc. Similarly, the Beneficiary should be registered through SBMS for transferring Schematic fund to its Bank Accounts.
- Other Scheme Bifurcation:- This facility has been incorporated to segregate/ bifurcate other Scheme (i.e., those Schemes not enlisted in CBMS) by Institution subject to the approval of Master Controller or Admin Head.
- Opening Balance Capture:- While registering Institutional Bank Account the users can only tag Schemes in Pass Book. But in Balance Capturing menu link users can capture Cash Book Balance with Schematic Balance. The facility for capturing Opening Balance would help user to track Scheme-wise provisional and final balance.
- Inter Scheme Balance including Unsettled Balance Transfer:- The modality has been devised for rectification of Schematic Balance from one Scheme to another due to mistake happened during Opening Balance Capture or other reasons. Similarly, when users cannot bifurcate total Schematic Balance in Cash Book at the time of balance capturing, they are allowed to capture part of the Cash Book Balance keeping other part as unsettled balance for future settlement.
- Favorite List:- For frequent payment of same Institutions, Agencies and Beneficiaries, the user can create a Favorite list without entering the individual name in Sanction and similarly user can modify the same according to the situation demands.
- Sanction Generation:- For making payment user is required to generate sanction by selecting source and destination scheme along with filling other required fields as designed in SBMS.
- Advice Generation:- Initially user in SBMS is required to generate Print Payment Advice (PPA) for its Physical submission to local bank branch to get the PPA honored. Physical PPA mode would be done away with after a few months and only electronically submitted payment file from user end shall be used to make payment through SBMS.
- Failed Transaction Handling:- User in SBMS can handle the failed transactions by regeneration of sanction for making further payment or can cancel the transactions.
- Reconciliation:- All Debit & Credit transactions in pass book shall have to be reconciled in cash book by confirming the online transaction data.
- Payment Tracking:- This-facility has been incorporated in SBMS to track the status of payment file to take action at user end.
Finance Department has been contemplating on making payment through SBMS for some time past. Now the Institutional Operator may generate Sanction and Payment Advice based on the above modalities for making online payment through SBMS. The guidelines on the different modalities would be shared in the IFMS Portal page.
Sd/- Dr. Manoj Pant, IAS
Principal Secretary
Finance Department
Government of West Bengal
No. 3332-F dated 01.11.2021, Source
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