
Initiation of Making Payment through SBMS with Axis and ICICI Bank

Finance, 👁️ 161

Governor is pleased to initiate payment process through SBMS of institutional bank accounts maintained in AXIS and ICICI Bank having schematic fund of SDC, Administrative Expenditure, Own Fund and Other Schemes etc.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch

Memo. No. 3196-F(Y) Date:02-08-2022

Initiation of making payment through SBMS with Axis & ICICI Bank

Initiation of making payment through SBMS has been introduced with integrated banks vide Memo. No. 3332-F(Y) dated 01.11.2021 of Finance Department, Audit Branch, Government of West Bengal. Finance Department is now contemplating to initiate payment processing with Print Payment Advice (PPA) mode of the institutional bank accounts registered in SBMS having schematic fund of State Development Scheme (SDS), Administrative Expenditure, Own Fund and Other Schemes etc., except SNA (Single Nodal Authority) bank account. In PPA mode, the physical signed copy of PPA is required to be sent to the local bank branch by the institution within 3.00 pm on the date of mandate for getting the PPA honour on the same day, if the physical signed copy of PPA is sent after 3.00 pm on the date of mandate it would be honoured on the very next working day. There is a facility to give mandate in future date up to 30 calendar days (except bank holidays and state govt. holidays ) and in that case institution may send physical signed copy of PPA to local bank branch within 3 pm on the date of validity of PPA. If physical signed copy of PPA is sent after 3.00 pm on the validity date of PPA to the local bank branch, it should be treated as cancelled.

Now, in continuation with this Memo. No. 3332-F(Y) dated 01.11.2021, and Memo No. 2377-F(Y) dated 09/06/2022 the Governor is pleased to initiate payment process through SBMS of institutional bank accounts maintained in AXIS & ICICI Bank having schematic fund of SDC, Administrative Expenditure, Own Fund and Other Schemes etc, except SNA bank accounts.

Secretary to the Government of West Bengal
Finance Department

No. 3196-F dated 02.08.2022, Source