
Formation of M.C. postponed due to ensuing Election, 2016

School Education, ,

Postponement of Election for Constitution /Reconstitution of the Managing Committee of all Recognized Non-Govt. Secondary Schools and extension of the tenure in view of ensuing Assembly Election, 2016.

‘Nivedita Bhavan’, Block-DJ-8, Sector-II, Salt Lake, Kolkata-91

Circular No. 83/Admin/16 Dated 18/03/2016

From: The Administrator, WBBSE

To: The Heads of all Recognized Non-Govt. (Aided & Unaided) Secondary Schools in West Bengal.

Sub: Postponement of Election for Constitution /Reconstitution of the Managing Committee of all Recognized Non-Govt. (Aided & Unaided) Secondary Schools and extension of the tenure of Managing Committee/ Ad-hoc-Committee/ Organising Committee/ Administrator up to 31/08/2016 in view of the ensuing Assembly Election, 2016.

Consequent upon the ensuing General Assembly Election, 2016 in West Bengal, the Administrator, WBBSE, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of Section 28 of the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education Act, 1963 (W.B. Act of 1963), as amended, has been pleased to issue this Circular for general information that the election or any part of election for constitution/ reconstitution of the Managing Committee fixed in between the date Of promulgation of Govt. Notification enforcing the model code of conduct for the Assembly Election, 2016 and the date of declaration of the result of that election i.e from 04-03-2016 to 19-05-2016 vide Press note no. ECI/PN/16/2016 dated 04-03-2016) shall be postponed and the steps for completion of constitution/ reconstitution of the Managing Committee/ Organising Committee shall be taken in the following manner:-

1. The schools where different stages in the Election Programme up to the election in the guardians’ category were completed before promulgation of this Circular, shall hold the Co-option in the P.I.E. category (Urban Area) and the Office Bearers’ Election after the date of declaration of the result of Assembly Election, 2016.

2. The schools where different stages in the Election Programme were completed but the election in the guardians’ category was not held before promulgation of this Circular, shall prepare Election Programme in all stages afresh after 19/05/2016 for constitution/ reconstitution of the Managing Committee as per the Rules and the Election Procedures.

3. The schools where election for constitution/ reconstitution is due but have not yet adopted any programme for election will take steps for constitution/reconstitution of the Managing Committee/ Organising Committee as per Rules after 19/05/2016.

The tenure of the Managing Committee/ Ad-hoc-Committee/ Organising Committee/ Administrator already expired on 31/12/2015 or after 31/12/2015 is hereby extended up to 31/08/2016 or till completion of constitution/ reconstitution of the Managing Committee, whichever is earlier.

However, the Board will take steps as per the Rules for filling up the administrative vacuum in the Schools where tenure of the Managing Committee/ Ad-hoc-Committee/ Organising Committee/ Administrator expired before 31/12/2015.

The Board however, reserves the right to appoint Administrator/ Ad-hoc-Committee where the same would be necessary for administrative reasons.

The above Circular is not applicable to the Schools where any contrary order from the Hon’ble Court prevails.

In case of any doubt or dispute in the matter for holding election at any stage, the matter shall be referred to the Board whose decision, thereon, shall be final.

Sd/- Kalyanmoy Ganguly

No. 83/Admin dated 18.03.2016

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