
Mandatory Inclusion of Aadhaar Number in database of WBHS

Finance, , 👁️ 283

Last date of incorporation of Aadhar Number of existing beneficiaries above the age five years is 30.06.2022 failing of which they may face inconvenience to avail uninterrupted benefit under this scheme.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Medical Cell, Writers’ Buildings

No. 24-F(MED)WB Dated: 16.02.2022

Sub: Mandatory inclusion of Aadhar Number in the data base of WBHS.

Online enrolment of beneficiaries through WBHSP was introduced in the year 2014 vide Notification No. 4656-F(MED), Dated 05.09.2014. The field for providing Aadhar Number of the beneficiaries was initially made optional and it has now been assessed that almost all applicants along with their beneficiaries did not put their Aadhar Numbers while applying online enrolment since its introduction.

Submission of Aadhar Number has subsequently been made mandatory for availing so many social schemes introduced by the Government of West Bengal sometime past, to scatter the different benefits among the common people. As such, it has now been considered that the employee/ pensioner under the WBHS along with their beneficiaries should provide their Aadhar Number in the WBHS Portal so that this Scheme can be controlled and monitored in better way.

In view of above, and after careful consideration, the Governor is now pleased to introduce mandatory inclusion of Aadhar Number in the WBHS Portal following the points noted here under:-

  1. Last date of incorporation of Aadhar Number of existing beneficiaries above the age five years is 30.06.2022 failing of which they may face inconvenience to avail uninterrupted benefit under this scheme.
  2. Incorporation of Aadhar Number is not mandatory for the beneficiaries below five years age. The Employee/ Pensioner will take measures for inclusion of Aadhar Number of the beneficiaries below five years age as early as they get it to avail uninterrupted benefit under this scheme.
  3. The concerned Head of the Office/ Pension Sanctioning Authority will take necessary initiative in this regard.

This has approval of the Principal Secretary, Finance Department, Government of West Bengal.

Joint Secretary, Finance Department,
Government of West Bengal.

No. 24-F dated 16.02.2022, Source

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