Mandatory Use of DSC for approval in HRMS
Head of Offices (HOO), Appointing Authorities (AA) will provide all necessary approvals or accord permissions in HRMS through his/her digital signature only.
Head of Offices (HOO), Appointing Authorities (AA) will provide all necessary approvals or accord permissions in HRMS through his/her digital signature only.
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch
No. 5209-F(Y) Date: 22.08.2017
Sub: Mandatory use of DSC for approval in all sub modules of HRMS
The Government of West Bengal has decided to implement online Human Resource Management System (HRMS). In this respect the use of Pay Roll, Stake Holders, Leave, Loan, TA-DA, Wages and Grant-in-Aid submodules of HRMS have already been made mandatory. The other submodules are in different stages of development, and their deployment in the live server of IFMS will be made shortly.
In these circumstances, the Governor is hereby pleased to decide that the concerned Head of Offices (HOO), Appointing Authorities (AA) and Delegated Appointing Authorities (DAA) will provide all necessary approvals or accord permissions in HRMS through his/her digital signature only and in this respect the use of the digital signature will be mandatory from 09/10/2017.
Therefore, all Heads of Office (HOO), Appointing Authorities (AA) and Delegated Appointing Authorities (DAA) are requested to procure DSC at the earliest as per the existing procedure, in cases where not yet done.
If any of the aforementioned authorities are already using DSC in any module of IFMS, they will not be required to procure any additional DSC and the existing DSC shall be valid for all modules of HRMS.
Sd/- H.K. Dwivedi
Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal
No. 5209-F dated 22.08.2017, Source
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