
Minimum required APR Rating for Promotion to Chief Engineer

Public Works, 👁️ 257

Minimum required APR rating to judge eligibility of Superintending Engineers to the post of Chief Engineer of all wings of Public Works Department will be 3.20.

Government of West Bengal
Public Works Department
Establishment Branch

No. 186 Date: 31.12.2015


A guideline was framed towards consideration of promotion & benefit of higher scale in respect of engineer officers of Civil, Electrical, Mechanical wing on the basis of ACR/APR ratings in G.O. no. 1650-E/E-1/2M-16/2005 dated 18.07.2013, where minimum rating for movement to the scale no. 20, meant for promotion to the post of Chief Engineer were mentioned therein. On later days a provision for non-functional up-gradation of Superintending Engineers in P.W. Department to the post of Superintending Engineer (Selection Grade) in unrevised scale no. 20 after 27 years of their total service from the post of Assistant Engineer subject to seniority and eligibility was made vide notification no. 153 dated 30.09.2015. Under the circumstance required rating for promotion to the post of Chief Engineer with higher responsibility is felt to be higher than required rating for movement to unrevised higher scale 20.

Now after careful consideration the minimum required APR/ACR rating to judge eligibility of Superintending Engineer/ Superintending Engineer (Selection Grade) to the post of Chief Engineer of all wings of Public Works Department will be as follows:

Number of old format of ACR & new format of APR to be consideredMinimum Rating
2 Old + 3 New2.79
1 Old + 4 New2.95
All 5 in New format of APR3.20

This order will take effect from 1st January, 2016.

This has the concurrence of the Finance Deptt. vide their UO No. Group P2/2015-2016/0539 dated 29-12-2015.

By order of the Governor

Sd/- Indevar Pandey, IAS
Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal
Public Works Department.

No. 186 dated 31.12.2015

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