
Non-Credit of Salary for May, 2015 due to Bank Account Error

Finance, ,

It has been decided to disburse salary for the month of June, 2015 on or before 15th June, to the employees whose salary for the month of May, 2015 has not been made in their salary account.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch

No. 4551-F(Y) Dated, 11th June, 2015


e-Pradan system of payment has been introduced with effect from 1st April 2015 vide Memo No. 1179-F(Y) dated 25th Feb, 2015. Under the e-Pradan system payment would be made from the Treasury/PAO by credit to the Bank Account to the payees/beneficiaries except for some exempted categories.

Payment of salary through e-pradan system has been made mandatory with effect from 1st May 2015. There have been few instances of non-credit of salary for May, 2015 due to error in bank particulars of some employees.

In order to overcome this, it has been decided to disburse salary for the month of June, 2015 on or before 15th June, to the employees whose salary for the month of May, 2015 has not been made in their salary account. The payment will be made by A/C payee cheque to be drawn in favour of the employees concerned. Before drawal of the bill the DDO will take the following steps-

  1. The DDO will take an undertaking from the employee concerned before drawal of the bill for June, 2015 to the effect that the employee did not get his salary for the month of May 2015 in his salary account. The employee concerned will also give an undertaking to the effect that in case of subsequent credit of his salary for the month of May, 2015, in his bank account, he will intimate the same to the DDO.
  2. The DDO will certify in the bill to the effect that the employees for whom the salary for the month of June, 2015 is drawn in the bill for disbursement on or before 15th June, 2015, did not get salary for the month of May, 2015, by the date of drawal of the bill for June, 2015, despite all effort to rectify the errors that may have occurred at the DDO’s end.
  3. The DDO shall ensure that the names of the employees for whom salary for the month of June, 2015 is being drawn for disbursement before time, are not included in the regular monthly salary bill for June, 2015.
  4. The Treasury Officer/PAO wilt report to the Directorate of Treasuries & Accounts (DTA) such cases of advance salary payment for June, 2015 to keep track of the drawal before time and for subsequent appropriate action.

Sd/- H.K. Dwivedi
Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 4551-F dated 11.06.2015, Source