Finance, Family Pension , Gratuity đī¸ 302
These Rules may be called The West Bengal Non-Government Educational Institutions, Local Authorities and Other Institutions Employees (Death-cum-Retirement-Benefits) Audit Rules, 2015.
Govt. of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch
No. 4677-F(J)WB Date 25.08.2015
It is, hereby, notified that “The West Bengal Non-Government Educational Institutions, Local Authorities and Other Institutions Employees (Death- cum-Retirement Benefits) Audit Rules, 2015” will come into effect from the date of this notification (25.08.2015) vide Memo No. 4579-F(J) dated 18.08.2015 (as annexed here with) and henceforth this Rule will be applicable to all the employees of those Offices/ Institutions/ Boards/ Local Authorities etc. as mentioned at Schedule-1 of the said Rules and will remain in force until further order.
This Notification issues with the approval of the Competent Authority, Finance Department, Government of West Bengal.
By order of the Governor
Sd/- S. K. Das
Commissioner, Govt. Of West Bengal,
Finance Department.