
Observations of NITI Aayog regarding School Education Dte.

School Education, , 👁️ 161

Nearly 25% of schools continue to prepare the mid-day meal either in an open area or in the classrooms, which raises serious food safety issues. It is important to ensure that schools have proper facilities to cook meals.

Government of West Bengal
School Education Department
Bikash Bhawan, Bidhannagar
Kolkata – 700 091

No. 321 – SSE/ 16 Dated, Kolkata, the 3rd May, 2016

From: Arnab Roy,
Principal Secretary to the Government of West Bengal

To: D. K. Pal,
OSD & EO Special Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal
Deptt. of Panchayats & Rural Development,
Joint Administrative Building, HC-7, Sector-III,
Bidhannagar, Kolkata – 700 106

Sub: Request for information on issues relating to NITI Aayog as per instruction of Chief Secretary

Ref: Your Memo No. 367(11)/SS/Policy/NITI Aayog/2016 dated 02.05.2016


Kindly refer to the above. The views pertaining to School Education Department are as follows:-

Observations of NITI Aayog regarding items dealt with by School Education Department is reproduced below:-

There is poor convergence of Midday Meal Scheme (MDMS) with the school health programme. There is a need to form networks of Medical Colleges, Home Science faculties and State MDMS steering and monitoring committees and institutions to evolve state specific guidelines for improved quality and safety of food. Nearly 25% of schools continue to prepare the mid-day meal either in an open area or in the classrooms, which raises serious food safety issues. It is important to ensure that schools have proper facilities to cook meals.

The observations of School Education Department are as follows: –

1) Regular meetings are held with Health Deptt. on convergence issues regarding school health programme and other programmes undertaken in consonance with Health Department.

2) Suggestion of forming networks of Medical Colleges, Home Science faculties and State MDMS steering and monitoring committees and institutions to evolve State Specific guidelines for improved quality and safety of food may be adopted.

3) In our state kitchen cum store has been completed in 88% schools. The rest are under construction. The state will have kitchen cum store in all schools within 2016-2017.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

Sd/- Arnab Roy
Principal Secretary

No. 321-SSE dated 03.05.2016