
Online Application to Obtain Certificate for Trade License


Governor is pleased to allow single online application & issuance of registration certificate of Enlistment (commonly referred to as the trade license) after payment of require fees.

Labour Department
New Secretariat Building (12th floor), ‘A’-Block,
1, K.S. Roy Road. Kolkata-700 001

No. Labr./108/IT & EoDB/IR/3C-04/2015 Date: 24.08.2022


WHEREAS, the Government of West Bengal has taken many reform measures under the tenets of Ease of Doing Business in the state to encourage investment in various sectors;

WHEREAS, the Business entities are required to obtain in Certificate of Enlistment (commonly referred to as the trade license) from the Municipal areas under Urban Development & Municipal Affairs (UDMA) in their notified area in West Bengal;

And WHEREAS, such business entities are also required to register under the West Bengal Shops and Establishments Act, 1963 and Rules framed thereunder (commonly referred to as the Shops & Establishments Registration Certificate);

And WHEREAS, the eligible and willing applicants are required to apply separately for obtaining the above-mentioned certificates in two different portals adding to their hassles;

Now, THEREFORE, with a view to ease the process and enable business entities to obtain Certificate for Trade License and Shops & Establishments Registration Certificate, the Governor is pleased to allow single online application & issuance of registration certificate for the aforesaid two services after payment of require fees.

This order will take immediate effect.

By order of the Governor,

Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. Labr-108 dated 24.08.2022, Source

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