
Online Registration into D.El.Ed Course for Para Teachers

School Education, ,

Notification for Commencement of the Two year D.EL.Ed. Course 2015-17 through ODL-mode for PBSSM approved Eligible Untrained In-Service Para Teachers.

West Bengal Board of Primary Education
“Acharya Prafulla Chandra Bhavan”
DK – 7/1, Sector II, Bidhannagar, Kolkata 700091

Memo No. 2587/BPE/2015 Date: 29-12-2015


This is to notify for information of all concerned that the process for the online registration into Two Year D.El.Ed. Course (through ODL Mode), 2015-17 for the in-service Para-teachers, engaged under the approval of the Paschim Banga Sarva Siksha Mission, is going to commence in terms of the order of the Government of West Bengal in the Department of School Education, No. 766-SSE/15, Date: 18/12/2015, read with the approval-order of the NCTE No. F. 62-3/2011/NCTE/N&S, Date: 24/04/2015 and subsequent clarifications in November-2015. The eligible untrained in-service para-teachers are requested to register themselves online through www.wbsed.gov.in for the Two Year D El Ed course (through ODL-Mode)-2015-17.

The date of starting of online registration will be published on 4th January, 2016.

Essential conditions of eligibility for registration into the said course are:

I. The applicant should be working as a para teacher under the approval of PBSSM for at least two years and he/she should be eligible to be engaged upto 60 years of age as per Notification No. 273-SE(P)/PBRPSUS/ADMN/9/04-05 dtd 23-04-2010 read with no. 376-SE(Pry) dtd 09-06-2010.

II. Must pass H. S. Or its Equivalent Examination with 50% (for unreserved category para-teachers) or with 45% (for reserved category para-teachers, such as SC/ST/OBC-A/OBC-B/PH/Ex-servicemen/Exempted Category)


Must be a graduate from a recognized university irrespective of the percentage of marks therein

III. In case of

a. not having passed the H S or its equivalent examination with 50% or 45% (as the case may be)

b. not being a graduate from any recognized university

c. being a madhyamik-pass para teacher

the applicant para teacher must have registered himself/herself with the West Bengal Council of Rabindra Open Schooling (WBCROS) or National Institute for Open Schooling (NIOS) for upgradation of academic qualification. Such candidates, must put the registration/enrolment number at the time of online registration.

This is further to inform all concerned that

i. The Two year D.El.Ed. course (through ODL-Mode)-2015-17 for the in-service Para-teachers is being conducted by West Bengal Board of Primary Education in accordance with the approval order of the NCTE mentioned herein above.

ii. A para teacher undergoing the Two Year D.El.Ed. Course through ODL mode may simultaneously upgrade his/her academic qualification for the course or percentage of marks in the H.S. or its equivalent examination through either WBCROS or NIOS. But she/he will not be declared to have passed the training course, unless and until she/he attains the minimum academic qualifications through such up-gradation.

iii. The registered para-teachers will be informed of their study centres through the D.I./S.I.s of Schools of the respective districts.

iv. Such registered para-teachers will be provided with the printed study materials and details of the course from their respective study centres.

Sd/- Dr. R. C. Bagchi

No. 2587/BPE dated 29.12.2015

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