Search results for: “TRANSFER”

  • West Bengal Employment Scheme Loans (Recovery) Act, 1992

    An Act to provide for the recovery, as public demand, of the loans advanced by banks, other financial institutions and the State Government to unemployed persons in West Bengal under employment programmes of the State Government for providing employment to such persons.

  • Enrolment of Unmarried Girls under Kanyashree Prakalpa

    Government desires that all the eligible girl beneficiaries studying in colleges and turned eighteen must be enrolled within the due time and before their nineteenth birthday so that they can continue in their endeavor.

  • Engagement of Homoeopathy House Staff, 2014

    Selection of house staff in such vacant posts shall be made strictly on merit list to be prepared on the basis of marks obtained in the BHMS course of the intending candidates after central counselling. Such merit list will be valid for one year only.

  • Allotment of 2BHK/ 3 BHK Apartment for Minority

    A person belonging to a Minority Community (i.e either Muslim or Christian or Sikh or Buddhist or Parsi or Jain) intending to acquire an Apartment will have to apply in the prescribed Application Form contained in the Application Kit.

  • Issue of Allotment Order through e-Bantan Mandated

    Approval to fund flow through e-bantan module of IFMS does not need any separate allotment order other than the system generated one. Any conventional method of preparation of allotment letter and forwarding the same manually may result in duplication and will not be entertained in the Treasury/ PAO.

  • West Bengal Value Added Tax Rules, 2005

    Enrolment of transporter, carrier or transporting agent, amendment and cancellation of certificate of enrolment and penalty for failure to apply for enrolment.

  • Amendment in Public Works Department Code

    Care shall be taken to see that splitting up does not technically damage the structural soundness of the work as a whole and where such possibility exists, the work shall not be split up into smaller parts.

  • Guidelines for Drawal of Bills for the Financial Year 2014-15

    State Government has decided to allow drawal of fund from the treasuries/ Pay and Accounts offices of the State Government in anticipation of allotment of fund for the following items of expenditure for the period upto 31st July, 2014.

  • West Bengal Municipal Corporation Act, 2006

    An Act to consolidate and amend the laws relating to municipal corporations in West Bengal with a view to enabling such corporations to provide a belter and uniform municipal administration for the areas within their respective jurisdictions.

  • Posts and Staff Strengths of Zonal Chief Engineers, P.W.Dte

    Governor is pleased to notify the posts and staff strength under the new establishment of office of the Zonal Chief Engineers after restructuring of Public Works Department, Govt. of West Bengal.