
Celebration of Parshwanath’s Rathajatra, 2023

Finance, 👁️ 162

The State Government has decided to observe Parshwanath’s Rathajatra which also falls on the 27th November 2023.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch
Nabanna, Howrah – 711102
Email Id: finreceipt-wb@bangla.gov.in

No: 6211-F(P2) Dated, Howrah, the 22nd November, 2023


The State Government has already declared Birth Day of Guru Nanak on 27th November (Monday) as public holiday vide Memorandum No. 4331-F(P2) dated 21.10.2022. The State Government has decided to observe Parshwanath’s Rathajatra which also falls on the 27th November 2023.

Therefore, this year Parshwanath’s Rathajatra will be observed and celebrated on 27th November (Monday).

Sd/- Dr. M.Pant
Additional Chief Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 6211-F dated 22.11.2023, Source