Implementation of Pay Roll Processing Sub-module of HRMS-IFMS
To introduce the 1st sub-module of HRMS, namely ‘Pay Roll Processing’ for use by DDOs who can prepare monthly Pay Bills of their employees through this sub-module of HRMS-IFMS.
To introduce the 1st sub-module of HRMS, namely ‘Pay Roll Processing’ for use by DDOs who can prepare monthly Pay Bills of their employees through this sub-module of HRMS-IFMS.
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch
No. 8531-F(Y) Dated, 18th December, 2015
Sub: Implementation of Pay Roll Processing Sub-module of HRMS-IFMS
Integrated Financial Management System (IFMS) was introduced by the State Government in phases beginning with e-Bantan on and from 1.4.14. Some of the modules of IFMS like E-Bantan, E-Pradan, CTS, E-Billing etc. have been successfully rolled out. Human Resource Management System (HRMS), another module of IFMS, containing 18 (eighteen) sub-modules is being developed and it has been decided by the State Government to roll out the sub-modules of HRMS in phases beginning with ‘Pay Roll Processing’ sub-module. The sub-module provides the built-in benefit of more accuracy and less effort in preparation of the Pay Bill through the system than the manual system.
Therefore, the undersigned is directed to introduce the 1st sub-module of HRMS, namely ‘Pay Roll Processing’ for use by DDOs who can prepare monthly Pay Bills of their employees through this sub-module. The modalities for payroll processing sub-module of HRMS are as follows:-
Preparation and submission of the Pay Bill through HRMS-IFMS is now optional, but mandatory from January, 2016 onwards.
Treasuries and Pay & Accounts Offices will have helpdesks initially to help the D.D.O.s to insert Employee Information into the system and generate as well as submit Pay Bills using the sub-module.
Sd/- H.K. Dwivedi
Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal
No. 8531-F dated 18.12.2015, Source
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