
Payment of Govt Revenue through Debit Card in GRIPS Portal

Finance, 👁️ 209

The system of payment of the State Government revenue in GRIPS portal using Debit Card will be operational on and from 1.8.2014, The Banks should complete the procedural formalities by 31.07.2014.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch

No. 3435-F(Y) Dated, 1st July, 2014


The State Government introduced online-deposit of Government receipt in the GRIPS portal vide notification no. 8298-F(Y) dt. 3.10.12, in which option was given to pay Government tax and non-tax revenue through net-banking, over-the-counter payment and using Debit Card in the internet banking portal of the respective bank. In the meantime procedure has been completed for deposit of the Government revenue- through net banking and Over-the-Counter (OTC). Now, payment through use of debit card in the internet banking portal is under consideration of the Government for the purpose.

After careful consideration of the process involved in deposit of money by use of debit cards through internet banking portal the Governor is pleased to prescribe the following procedure for payment of Government tax and non-tax revenue through Debit Card in GRIPS Portal-

  1. Each of the twenty (20) authorised Banks shall accept the payment through their own Debit Card;
  2. The Tax-payer/Depositor can choose any one of the three options, viz., (i) Net-Banking, (ii) Debit Card and (iii) Over the Counter payment, which are available in the Bank’s Portal for payment through GRIPS – generated Challan;
  3. Bank will capture the Debit Card Number, CVC Number and i-Pin/One Time Password (OTP) and other security measures to prevent misuse of Card;
  4. Banks will not charge any fee for such transaction;
  5. The fund shall be settled on T+1 day at the Reserve Bank of India, PAD, Kolkata;
  6. The Transaction shall be treated as “On Line Transaction” for the purpose of Agency Commission;
  7. The Transaction Code for these transactions through Debit Card would be ‘5’;
  8. Necessary integration with GRIPS Portal and the testing should be done by the Banks;
  9. As and when the integration and successful testing will be completed, it will ‘go-live’ in GRIPS Portal.

The system of payment of the State Government revenue in GRIPS portal using Debit Card will be operational on and from 1.8.2014, The Banks should complete the procedural formalities by 31.07.2014.

Sd/-H.K. Dwivedi
Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 3435-F dated 01.06.2014, Source