
Pension/ Family Pension/ Gratuity and Commutation

Finance, , , 👁ī¸ 1162

Who shall draw and disburse the Revised Gratuity/ Additional Commuted Value of Pension of the State Government employees who retired on or after 01.01.2016 and in whose case PPO has already been issued by AG (A&E) W.B.


No. 690-F (Pen) Dated, 30th December, 2019


Finance Department Vide Notification No. 536-F (Pen) dated 01.10.2019 issued the guidelines for Revision of Pension/ Family Pension/ Gratuity and Commutation of Post 01.01.2016 Pensioners w.e.f. 01.01.2020. Thereafter vide Notification No. 660-F(Pen) dated 16.12.2019, revised format (Annexure I, II & III) for application, sanction of Pension/ Family Pension were introduced and vide clarification regarding further commutation were issued vide Memorandum No. 680-F (Pen) dated 23.12.2019.

But certain points have been raised from different corners while fixation of revised Basic Pension/ Family Pension, disbursement of Gratuity/ Commutation of Pension etc of post 01.01.2016 Pensioner/ Family Pensioner.

After careful consideration of the matter the undersigned in directed by order of the Governor to provide the following clarification:-

Sl. No.Points raisedClarification
1Who shall draw and disburse the Revised Gratuity/ Additional Commuted Value of Pension of the State Government employees who retired on or after 01.01.2016 and in whose case PPO has already been issued by AG (A&E) W.B.1. As already detailed in Point No. D of Memorandum No. 536-F(Pen) dated- 01.10.2019, DDO of the Pension Sanctioning Authority (PSA) shall continue to draw the balance amount of Revised Retiring/ Death Gratuity/ Commuted Value of Pension on the basis of emolument fixed notionally. 2. PSA shall endorse the copies of Annexure-II/III (as the case may be) as notified vide Order No. 660-F (Pen) dated- 16.12.2019 to the DDO and the Pay & Accounts Officer/ Treasury with whom DDO is attached for drawal of a bill for the balance amount of Gratuity, Additional Commuted Value of Pension. 3. Pension Disbursing Treasury/ Public Sector Bank (in KMC area) shall disburse only the Revised Basic Pension/Family Pension following the directions contained in Notification No. 536-F(Pen) Dated- 01.10.2019, 660-F(Pen) dated- 16.12.2019, 680-F(Pen) dated- 23.12.2019, 681-F(Pen) dated- 23.12.2019. In no case the Revised Retiring Gratuity/ Death Gratuity/ Additional Commuted Value of Pension that arises due to ROPA, 2019 shall be drawn by Pension Disbursing Treasury/ Public Sector Bank
2How the Revised Basic Pension/ Family Pension w.e.f. 01.01.2020 as per ROPA 2019 will be calculated for the entitled categories of employees who were in receipt of Non-Practising Allowance (NPA) on the date of retirement/ death.The last Notional Basic Pay on the date of retirement/ death in Point No. 9 of Annexure-II or in Point No.10 of Annexure-III (as the case may be) shall be calculated taking together the amount of NPA also vide Notification No. 5562-F dated- 25.09.2019. On the basis of such last Notional Basic Pay, the Revised Pension/ Family Pension etc shall be calculated as per Notification No. 536-F(Pen) dated 01.10.2019.
3What will be the date of restoration of commutation/ additional commutation due to implementation of ROPA, 20191. Those employees who will commute additionally on the Basic Pension revised notionally as per ROPA 2019, the additional commuted portion of pension shall be restored after 15 (fifteen) years from 01.01.2020 or thereafter from the first day of the month on which the additional commutation will be disbursed by the DDO of PSA. 2. The portion of pension already commuted during or after retirement as per Basic Pension under ROPA, 2009 shall however be restored as usual i.e. after 15 (fifteen) years from the date of retirement as per order No. 4159-F dated- 26.04.1990. 3. Commuted portion of the pension of those pensioner who will retire on or after 01.01.2020 after coming into revised pay structure as per ROPA 2019 shall however be restored as usual i.e. after 15 years from the date of retirement as per order No. 4159-F dated- 26.04.1990.
4What shall be the basis of calculation and period of restoration for those Pensioners who retired between 01.01.2016 to 31.12.2019 and wants to commute for the first time after fixation of Revised Basic Pension fixed notionally with actual effect from 01.01.2020?1. Such Pensioner shall be eligible to apply for commutation as per existing rule. Commutation value expressed as number of years purchase for the age as on next birthday on or after 01.01.2020 shall be taken into account. 2. Commuted portion of Pension shall be restored after 15 years from the date of retirement.
5Whether the Pensioner shall require to apply before the Pension Disbursing Authority for restoration of commuted portion of pension (both original and additional) after completion of period of restoration as stated in Sl. No. 3 above.No. Pension Disbursing Authority shall restore the commuted portion of pension (both original and additional) on his/ her own after the period of restoration is over i.e. from the first date of next month without seeking any application for restoration of commuted portion of pension from the pensioner.

This order shall take effect from 01.01.2020. Necessary amendment in relevant rules shall be made in due courses.

Sd /- S. K. Ghosh
O.S.D & Ex-Officio Joint Secretary
to the Govt. of West Bengal

No. 690-F dated 30.12.2019, Source

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