
Performance Appraisal of West Bengal Govt. Employees


To improve Performance, Efficiency, Accountability and Integrity of the employees of Govt. of West Bengal, Performance Appraisal is implemented. Group B, C and D are guided by Open Performance Report System whereas for Group A it is Annual Performance Report System.

To improve Performance, Efficiency, Accountability and Integrity of the employees of Govt. of West Bengal, Performance Appraisal is implemented. Employees under Group – ‘A’, are guided by Annual Confidential Report System. For other categories of employees, viz. Group – ‘B’, Group – ‘C’ and Group – ‘D’ are now guided by Open Performance Report System.


No. 9135-F, Dated: 10.09.2002


Sub: Performance Appraisal of State Government Employees belonging to Group -‘B’, Group – ‘C’ and Group – ‘D’.

In suppression of this Department Memo No. 5791-F, dated 11.06.1980 and all other subsequent orders issued on this subject and in continuation to this Department Memo No. 1062-F, dt 19.12.2000, the undersigned is directed by order of the Governor to say that, in modification of the procedure prescribed earlier, the Governor has been pleased to take the following decisions regarding drawal of Performance Report of the State Government employees belonging to Group – ‘A’, Group -‘B’, Group – ‘C’ and Group – ‘D’ in order to improve their performance, efficiency, accountability and integrity:

A. For Group – ‘A’ employees:

Some of the employees belonging to Group – ‘B’ who are considered for promotion to Group – ‘A’ posts and all employees belonging to Group – ‘A’ are now guided by the reporting on Annual Confidential Report System. They will continue to be guided by the same system. However, they will additionally have to score 70% on attendance to become eligible for promotion, both functional and non functional. Marking on attendance in their cases shall be as per format prescribed for Attendance-Appraisal of Group – ‘B’ and Group – ‘C’ employees enclosed with this order.

B. For all categories of employees, viz. Group – ‘B’, ‘C’, ‘D’ as are now guided by Open Performance Report, the report on attendance, performance and efficiency, accountability and integrity will be termed Performance Report which will be an Annual Report.

(I) For Group – ‘B’ and Group – ‘C’ employees:

In case of promotion of employees belonging to Group – ‘B’ and Group – ‘C’ now covered under Open Performance Report System, both in respect of functional and non functional promotions, (i) attendance, (ii) performance & efficiency and (iii) accountability & integrity apart from seniority will constitute the revised norms of promotion. For this purpose a total of 100 marks will be distributed as under:-

(i) Attendance: 25 marks
(ii) Performance & Efficiency: 60 marks
(iii) Accountability & Integrity: 15 marks

Total: 100 marks

Marks allotted against item no. (iii) above will be for Accountability. For consideration of promotion it is essentially required that Integrity shall be above-board and assessment of Integrity shall be done as per existing Government orders in the relevant column of the format at Annexure – I. The minimum qualifying marks for attendance will be 70% and minimum requirement for Accountability will be above average grading. Apart from these an employee will have to score 60% marks on the whole to earn eligibility for promotion. Promotion will be given in terms of seniority from amongst those who have obtained minimum qualifying marks. Markings on attendance, performance and efficiency and Accountability will be per proforma enclosed.

Appraisal on Attendance:

For markings on attendance proforma should be filled up first on the basis of the actual official records in this regard in respect of the employees concerned. The percentage of effective attendance integrated at item no. 8 of the format will have to be worked out. The marks on attendance of an employee will be this percentage of the full marks of 25 on attendance.

Performance and efficiency appraisal:

The performance and efficiency appraisal will be done by gradings and marks – Excellent (6), Very Good (5), Good (4), Average (3) and Below Average (0) on the following aspects:

  1. The extent to which the employee take his/her job seriously.
  2. The quality of maintenance of the work diary/ Case diary/ Case Book/ Note Book/ Field diary etc. as applicable.
  3. The quantum of disposal of allotted work promptly and completely.
  4. The capability of completing the work in time or within justifiably extra time.
  5. The capacity of the employee to inspire public confidence.
  6. Quality of disposal of work of the employee.
  7. Knowledge of the employee regarding office procedure, Rules, Regulations and Instructions in general and with reference to work of the Post/Office.
  8. Ability to apply relevant Rules and Regulations correctly.
  9. Capacity of examining cases thoroughly.
  10. Capacity and resourcefulness of the employee in handling normal as well as unforeseen problems/ situations and willingness to take new challenges.

Appraisal of Accountability:

Assessment to be recorded with the grading and marks – Excellent (5), Very Good (4), Good (3), Average (2) and Below Average (0) on the following aspects:

  1. Reliability in carrying out instructions.
  2. Sense of responsibility, ability to judge urgency of a case and responsiveness to such urgency.
  3. Behavior with colleagues and members of public.

For accountability, grading of average and below average and any adverse comment on Integrity will have to be communicated to the employee concerned in writing.
Except the items Accountability and Integrity, the report on the other items viz. attendance, performance and efficiency will be an open report.

(II) Group – ‘D’ Employee:

In case of promotion of Group – ‘D’ employee, both in respect of functional and non functional ones, attendance, performance and efficiency and accountability and integrity apart from seniority would constitute the revised norms of promotion. For this purpose, a total of 100 marks will be distributed as under:-

(i) Attendance: 35 marks
(ii) Performance & Efficiency: 50 marks
(iii) Accountability & Integrity: 15 marks

Total: 100 marks

Marks allotted against item no. (iii) above will be for Accountability. For consideration of promotion it is essentially required that Integrity shall be above-board and assessment of Integrity shall be done as per existing Government orders in the relevant column of the format at Annexure – II. The minimum qualifying marks for attendance will be 70% and minimum requirement for Accountability will be above average grading. Apart from these an employee will have to score 60% marks on the whole to earn eligibility for promotion. Promotion will be given in terms of seniority from amongst those who have obtained minimum qualifying marks. Markings on attendance, performance and efficiency and Accountability will be per proforma enclosed.

Appraisal on Attendance:

For markings on attendance proforma should be filled up first on the basis of the actual official records in this regard in respect of the employees concerned. The percentage of effective attendance integrated at item no. 8 of the format will have to be worked out. The marks on attendance of an employee will be this percentage of the full marks of 35 on attendance.

Performance and efficiency appraisal:

The performance and efficiency appraisal will be done by gradings and marks as Excellent (10), Very Good (8), Good (6), Average (4) and Below Average (0) on the following aspects:-

  1. Promptness in attending to Duty.
  2. Communication Skill (Oral).
  3. Ability to follow instructions.
  4. General awareness of the employee about the work of the department/ Office in which he is posted.
  5. Compliance in Carrying out of instructions.

Appraisal of Accountability:Assessment to be recorded with the grading and marks – Excellent (5), Very Good (4), Good (3), Average (2) and Below Average (0) on the following aspects:-

  1. His/ Her devotion to duty.
  2. Reliability in carrying out instructions.
  3. His/ Her behavior with colleagues and members of public.

C. Time Table for completion of various steps relating to Performance Appraisal:

The time-table for completion of various steps relating to Performance Appraisal of an employee is as indicated below:

1Transmission by office of blank formats of the Performance Reports for the Group – ‘B’, Group – ‘C’, Group – ‘D’ employees to the respective Reporting Officers.By the 30th of April of the year following that to which the Performance Report relates.
2Transmission of the Performance Reports by the Reporting Officer to the Countersigning Authority after recording his comments thereon.By the 31st of May of the year following that to which the Performance Report relates.
3Transmission of the Performance Reports by the Countersigning Authority to the Accepting Authority after recording his comments thereon.By the 15th of June of the year following that to which the Performance Report relates.
4Transmission of the Performance Report Part – I and Part – II both by the Accepting Authority to the Office for record after recording his comments thereon and also showing the Part – I of the Report i.e. Appraisal on Attendance, Performance and Efficiency part to the concerned employee recording his signature thereon.By the 30th of June of the year following that to which the Performance Report relates.

(Office will duly arrange custody of Performance Reports).

Note: The Reporting Officer, the Countersigning Authority or the Accepting Authority, as the case may be, should record their comments on the Performance Report of any officer/ employee, only if he or she has observed the performance of the officer/ employee for at least six months. If any of such authorities has not seen the performance of the officer/ employee for at least six months, then it should be sent to the next superior authority who has observed the performance for at least six months during the year. In case, even this condition is not fulfilled, a note to this effect should be entered into the report before passing it on to the next higher authority.

D. This order shall be deemed to have taken effect from April 1, 2002. As, however, first performance report in terms of this order will be available only after March 31, 2003, the previous OPRS up to March 31, 2002 will be taken into account for consideration of promotion/ confirmation etc. during the intervening period.

Sd/- S.N. Roy
Chief Secretary to the Govt. of West Bengal.

OPR for Gr. B & C

OPR for Group D


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